Chapter 23:- Bipolar Couple

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Chapter 23:- Bipolar Couple

Quote of the chapter:

Although we never
said it to each other,
I think we both knew.


[Its short I'm sorry ❤️]


I ignored him and looked away as he pulled me up from the bed and looked me straight in the eye.

"Why is Gina in the pack prison?" He asked again, this time his voice was dangerously low as I glared at him. I pushed him away from me and moved as far away from him as I could.

I was so angry with him I felt like punching him square in the face but I stopped myself. I have to act mature about his.

"You've been ignoring me for the last 5 days even though I wanted to talk to you and as soon as your fuck buddy gets thrown in the pack prison you want to speak to me?!" I said as he moved towards me and I moved further away.

"Get to fuck Colton I don't want anything to do with you!" I yelled as he sighed loudly.

I was so sick of fighting with him but that's all we really did. We fought over everything the months that I've been here. All I want is some peace and quiet from my currently stressful life.

"Are you jealous?" He asked as I frowned at him, I thought he would be mad that I was screaming at him but he looked oddly calm.

"Colton I'm not jealous, that's when you want something that's not yours. I'm territorial I like to protect what's mine" I said as he gave a faint smile. He should not be smiling!

I am so mad at him right now.

But even his small bad boy smile made my knees buckle and my heart race. The truth was no matter how much I get angry at Colton he would always be my mate and I would always have a connection with him.

"So I'm yours?" He asked walking over to me a wide grin spread across his face, I didn't move back. I was still mad at him and there is no way he is going to get me to calm down right now.

"Fuck off Colton, why don't you go smile at your ugly ass fuck buddy!" I yelled as Colton pulled me into a hug. I stood rigidly not giving in.

He is not being let of the hook for this, I'm upset that he didn't tell me about him and Gina and he expects me to tell him about Alpha Herald.

"It was in the past I swear, I was a dumb horny teenager, if I could go back and change it I would" he said kissing my forehead as I pushed him away. He was trying to distract me from the topic which wasn't going to happen.

"Colton it's not about that I mean I've had sex with guys before" lie, complete and utter lie.

I have been running away my whole life I have not had time for boys or anyone for that matter. Plus I don't want people to get hurt because of me. I just want Colton to feel the way that I did when I found out about him and Gina.

He stared at me blankly for a second, before I knew it he had pinned me up against the wall.

His eyes were black and bloodshot from anger and his teeth were elongated, he was breathing deeply trying to relax himself but I could see him struggling. His steady breath was brushing against my face as I shut my eyes scared he might hurt me.

He growled so loud as I shut my eyes even tighter, I felt an impact beside my head as I looked up and saw a huge whole in the wall, I looked at Colton in shock as he still had me trapped.

"You are mine" he said as I flinched at his tone, I was scared. Although I know Colton wouldn't hurt me I was scared he would end up hurting himself.

He moved away from me and punched the window and mirror as I gasped loudly in shock. I shouldn't have lied, now someone is going to have to fix all this.

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