Chapter 10 Prophecy

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Chapter 10:- Prophecy

Quote of the chapter:

'White is not the mere absence of color, it is a shinning and affirmative thing'

Gilbert K Chesterton 🔳


I frowned at his sudden change of mood, I wasn't really expecting him to swear just by hearing Colton's name. He stared at me for a few moments before getting up and sitting back on his seat.

"I've got to get you back to the Richardson pack" he mumbled more to himself, itching his chin in thought.

I scowled at him, even after I told him the whole story, he still wanted to send me back?

He began to rummage through his drawers, clearly looking for something important.

"Why?" I shouted as Xavier looked up from his documents. He had a frown etched across his forehead and sighed at my question.

"I just don't want a pack war" he muttered pushing his hands through his hair as he pulled out a document and slammed it on the table.

"What do you mean?" I asked furiously.

I stood up aggressively from my seat, making it topple over in the process, his eyebrows only creased further as he stood up from his chair too.

"I don't want Colton to think I took you! And if he does find out I had you and didn't tell him. Well it's definitely going to start an argument which will eventually lead to a war" he explained shuffling along his office and peaking out the window.

He had looked stressed already and by my presence he seemed to be exhilarated.

"You don't have to tell him" I said to him in a small voice as he turned from the window and stared at me.

"What did you say?" He looked unsure, but I knew he had heard exactly what I had said.

"You don't have to tell him" I repeated this time louder, feeling a surge of confidence pump through me.

He looked at me thoughtfully then shook his head and muttered something so low that even my werewolf hearing couldn't catch it. He pressed both his fingers against his temple and closed his eyes as tightly as possible.

"I can't" he boomed looking up at me as I growled at him. I had practically poured my heart out to him and he still didn't understand that I would cause danger on Colton's pack.

"Look if Colton found my mate, I would expect him to do the same thing for me" he said to me picking up my seat from the ground and pushing me on the seat again.

"It's alpha law" he continued walking around his desk to pick up the document he had placed on it.

"This is the story of Alpha Benjamin" he said waving the document in my face.

I scowled at him, not understanding what the story of Alpha Benjamin had to do with anything. Plus I had never heard of any such alpha.

"I know what your thinking. What has this got to do with anything we are currently discussing?"  He opened the document carefully as though it was a treasured artifact.

"Yes" I replied my voice was raspy.

I felt dehydrated, but there's no way I'm asking for water.

"Well Alpha Benjamin was the alpha of the Purity Pack in 1937" he began as I looked at him oddly. Quite frankly I wasn't interested in the history of all the packs.

"Where's the Purity Pack? I've never heard of any such pack" I asked curiosity getting the better of me.

"It's in England" he replied as I curtly nodded.

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