Chapter 20: Instincts

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Chapter 20: Instincts

Quote Of The Chapter:-

"People inspire you or destroy you.
Pick them wisely"



The next day when I woke up every muscle in my body ached but my wolf felt oddly calm.

When I sat up in the bed my wolf caught a lingering smell, it was as though someone had attempted to cover it.

I sniffed the air sharply and my wolf whined as Colton's scent wafted into my nose. My heart beat quickened as I searched around the room for any sign of Colton. I'm going crazy now.

This is dumb.

There is no way in hell Colton would have travelled for 6 hours and leave his pack just to give me a hug. I'm overthinking this.

I sniffed the air again making sure it was my mates scent. As I took in the smell again I was a hundred percent sure it was Colton.

Had he really been here?

He was the one who told me to leave. But I couldn't blame him for that, I was the one who made him so frustrated that he just gave up.

I wonder how he found me.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. He marked me, he could hear all my thoughts I was vulnerable at that time I must have not blocked my thoughts properly and he probably heard me asking for help.

But if he really was here why didn't he stay.

You told him you didn't want to be with him. My subconscious retorted at I covered myself properly with the blankets.

I wanted to get out of bed but my whole body was still aching, the fiery feeling had long gone but I still felt sore.

"What have I done?" I said aloud, staring at the wall. I felt alone and miserable and it was all my own fault, if I hadn't made such a stupid decision I would be in Colton's arms right now.

I lay in bed for a few more minutes, when suddenly the door knocked. I groaned internally at the thought of having to get up from the rather warm bed, but forced myself to move. It might be Colton.

At the thought my heart beat increased marginally as I stood up from the bed. I felt a waft of cold air run along my legs, as I looked down at myself only noticing now that I was in one of Colton's baggy shirts. I blushed at the thought of him undressing me and sliding his shirt on me.

How did he even get the key to my room?

Did Carol give it to him?

The knocking on the door persisted as I walked over feeling slightly shaky and pulled the door open. I didn't fully open it just popped my head around the large door frame.

I didn't want anyone to see me like this.

As I looked up to see who it was my eyes landed on Carol. She looked worried but I didn't understand why.

"Are you ok deary?" She asked as I opened the door slightly more, my eyebrows furrowed at her question. Why is she asking me this, something definitely seemed off.

"Yeah, why are you ok?" I asked as she looked around the hallway then darted her eyes back at me.

"What's wrong Carol?" I asked abruptly as she stiffened at my question.

"Nothing just asking" she said as I opened the door even wider. I walked further out the door as I looked around the hallway. It's empty, so what does Carol repeatedly keep looking at?

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