Chapter 25:- Suspicion

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Chapter 25:-Suspicion

Quote of the chapter:

She was a beautiful dreamer,

The kind of girl who kept her

Head in the clouds, loved

Above the stars, and left regret

Beneath the earth she walked on

                                                              ~r.m. Drake        


"What?!" I yelled as I turned to face Colton. He looked distraught at the news he had just received; I couldn't help but feel angry at his reaction. Why did he look so concerned about Gina? But I couldn't forget the fact that she is still a part of his pack which would obviously affect him.

"Are you sure?" I asked Kyle sceptically as he nodded.

"Yes Luna, I just received the news from one of the guards, she was carrying silver in her back pocket which we didn't pick up on. She consumed it" the chances of survival after consuming silver or getting harmed by silver were slim. Even strong alpha wolfs can only survive a few hours after consumption.

"Have you called the pack doctor to tend to her?" Colton asked using his Alpha tone, his eyes were furrowed as the look of concern etched on his face. What I would do to know what he was thinking right now.

"Yes Alpha, I called him as soon as I heard the news" Kyle said as I looked at Colton.

I didn't have a good feeling about this. Maybe Alpha Herald told her to consume the silver if she was caught, that's the only valid reason I could think of. Unless she wanted Colton to visit her and this was her attempt to make that happen.

"I'm going to go to the pack prison to see what's going on, you stay here" he commanded as I frowned at his demand. There was no way in hell he was going there without taking me, I didn't trust Gina one bit and I was afraid she was doing this for my mates attention.

I already know he has a soft spot for her and I didn't want him to do anything rash.

"No way, I am coming with you" I said walking towards our room door so I could go and see what was going on with Gina. Before I could reach the handle Colton grabbed onto my arm and pulled me into his chest.

"You're not changing my mind by hugging me, I'm still coming" I said trying to push myself away from him but he only hugged me tighter.

He obviously didn't want me to go for god knows what reason, but when has that ever stopped. I was sure as hell going and I don't care if I have to throw a tantrum to do it.

"Please baby" Colton whispered in my ear as I shivered lightly.

"No baby" I replied sarcastically finally pushing myself of him. If he thinks a few sweet words are going to sway me, then he thought wrong. I am going even if it's the last thing I do.

"But-" I cut him off before he could continue.

"No buts" I said as I grabbed a coat of my dressing table and slung it over my shoulder, this time Colton didn't stop me. Instead I heard Kyle's and Colton's footsteps follow after me. I could hear my mate complaining lowly in the background about how I was a 'stubborn little mate' and why 'I couldn't just listen'.

"I can hear you" I said loudly looking at him over my shoulder as he rolled his eyes and Kyle sniggered beside him. The whole walk to the pack prison Colton and Kyle mumbled lowly behind me about some dumb basketball game. Apparently it was a big match and both of them were excited, I was disinterested so tried to blank out most of their conversation.

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