Chapter 4: To Join or Not to Join. That is Thee Question

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Y/n POV:

"What's your name kid?"

I knew better than to answer strangers, and so I stood up and was walking away when they grabbed my wrist. They only had four fingers on it though which I thought was kind of odd.

"I asked you a question, or do you want to lose your hand?"

He placed his hand on the trash can next to me, and when he did it became nothing but ash.

'I see now. So his quirk basically disintegrates anything that he touches with all five of his fingers.'

I looked up at him with a plain look on my face before freezing time. I wasn't at the level of Taishi, and so they weren't able to see or hear me. They also weren't able to talk.

I set myself free, and walked behind him before unfreezing time.

"Hm...I'd rather keep my writing hand, but either way your quirk won't work on me."

I figured that it was alright to use my quirk because I can simply freeze time and get away before anything bad happens.

He turned around with a shocked look on his face before giving me a really creepy smile. Now, when I say creepy, I mean really creepy. Like I was a bit scared kind of creepy.

"Tell me kid. What's your idea on heroes and villains?"

I paused when asked this, and that is because I don't exactly have a black and white answer to this.

"To me... heroes are both good and bad. That goes the same for villains. Some parts of both use their title to do bad or use their authority to get what they want. However, there are good heroes. Ones that actually help instead of help to look good, and there are some villains that do good, but are labeled as the bad guys. It's not that one side is good and one side is bad. It's that both are good and bad."

When hearing this he seemed to begin to laugh like crazy, and began to walk up to me again. This time I didn't use my quirk, and that is because I knew that I could fix any damage that he would do.

"Join me then. Prove just how rotten this world i-"

"I don't plan on ever doing so. You are clearly a villain, and you are the one thing that I don't want to become. I'm planning on becoming a hero, and my sole reason in doing so is to prove everyone wrong. I'm sorry, but I can't become a villain and have them all think that they were right about me."

He became angry at this, and even activated his quirk. He had disintegrated part of my arm, and it hurt like hell, but within the second that I moved away it had healed.

"Well now I'm definitely not joining you. See ya hoodie-san."

I froze time and left after that. I made sure to get as far away as I could before unfreezing time. Now I was sitting in a tree panting because I had just run as fast and far as I possibly could.

~Time Skip~

It was now time for UA's Entrance Exam, and I sadly haven't seen Taishi since that one day...

Anyway, now is not the time to be thinking about people like them! I barely knew them after all, and so there is no use thinking this much about them....right?

I was walking up to the front doors when that green curly haired boy from awhile ago tripped. He was saved by this girl that used her quirk on him. When I saw her freeze him in place my eyes widened, but it looked like he was able to move freely.

'For a moment there I thought that it might be another relative..'

This has been my only fear since that one day. You see, I have a feeling that everyone on that side of the family isn't all that great... You can probably guess why.

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