Chapter 1

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this was my first fanfic so the writing is really bad , hopefully it isn't too terrible!

saiharas POV
When I first arrived to this orphanage, I felt out of place.This place was huuuugeee! Everyone already had friends, and I was alone!And then it hit me: I could hear the whispers of everyone in the chapel.

- he looks like a tokyo kid...
- probably a spoilt brat...
- gross...never talking to that emo kid!

Sister nana was trying to shush them down but they were too much. I heard all of that, hiding the slight pain caused by the bullies.
So many people.
I felt like a nuisance and it pissed me off.

I ignored all of it and walked up to nana-san, the headmaster, who told me to follow her so she could show me my new room. I followed her arround like a stupid fool.She was a thin middle aged woman with long pink hair.I followed her up to the second floor, where the dorms were located.Atleast, I hope my roomate is a fun person and not a rude bully.

- Saihara-kun, I hope that you will enjoy it here. We're now family.

She said smiling to me .

- Y-yeah...

I managed to stutter out , nodding akwardly.

My parents died in a car accident while on a mission. My father is a well known detective in tokyo, and so is my mother and thats why i'm here now.
Everyone knows kyoko kirigiri.
That must be why they're calling me a stupid tokyo kid...

Despite being only sixteen I have gone through a lot. Seeing both of my parents die in such a terrible way. It was traumatising and left me with many years of trauma.

Finally, after walking two huge staircases we arrived to the dormatories. They looked old and dusty, they smelled like mold and wet dirt. She then led me to a door, there was a nameplate on the door and it said : Kichi's room! Sister nana- san knocked on the door that immediately opened revealing a small purple eyed girl?boy?

- Here is your room Saihara-kun, and here's your roomate, Kokichi Ouma.

I hope you will get along well. Oh and, Ouma help him unpack his stuff. She then smiled and left the room locking the door behind.

Kokichi.... then he must be a boy. In front of me was a small purple haired boy.Why is he so short and small... is he my age?He looked almost like a girl, very thin, very pale and he looked very fragile.Though his face had a very annoyed expression on it. He was kind of cute? Not like that... I'm not gay.

- What are you looking at!? weirdo.

He says to me.

Suprised by the sudden interpellation I looked away, flustered. He must think i'm some type of creep now huh?

- Sorry... My name's Shuichi Saihara nice to meet you-

He then cuts me off and proceeds to say:

- Im kokichi, kokichi ouma, and thats ur bed right there. Away from me. Don't come near me and don't talk to me. Now then... SAYONARA!

He then turns his back to me and jumps on his bed making it squeak. He then snatches earbuds from under his pillow and turns his mp3 player on, to maximum volume.

Why is he being so hostile with me? We just met! What the hell!?

What's the matter with him?
I simply sigh and forget about it.

I started unpacking my suitcase quietly, so I don't bother the smaller male. I then placed my clothes in a small closet with my name on it. I then proceeded to blow the candles out and go to sleep since it was very late and we had to sleep at 11 pm as nana-san ordered it.
3 am in the morning

I woke up to the sound of little sobs. Confused, I snapped my eyes wide open. I start looking arround the dorm, to find the source of the noise. My eyes wander arround the room in complete darkness making it hard for me to see. Soon, my vision gets clearer and I notice Ouma,crying,on the floor, next to his bed.What the hell is happening now?
I get up and walk up to him,still sleepy rubbing the sleepiness off my eyes. I reach in my pocket to grab a match that I immediately lit up to see better. Next to me was a crying, fragile little boy.

- What's the matter Ouma-Kun ? Why are you crying? I whisper.

He kept crying silently completely ignoring my question. He was shaking, what's up with this guy? I innocently reach out to him and take him in my arms hugging him to comfort him. Was I hugging a stranger to comfort them? Yeah. Soon enough his sobs turned into little sniffles and I could feel his face heating up. I then carefully pull away staring at his little red face.

- What's wrong ? I ask.

- It's nothing... I'm just s-scared of the dark... I-It's always been like this.

He seemed pretty embarassed saying that. For a guy that acted all tuff and stuff he was a little softie huh? Pretty funny if you ask me.

- Ah, I see....  Do you want to keep the candle lit up for the night?

He sniffles and proceeds to anwser me.

- N-no... Nana-san doesn't allow that... S-she says it can cause a fire.

Oh man... We're screwed. I sit there trying to find a solution for the lavender eyed boy. How come people my age are still scared of the dark? Oh well.... Whatever.Then, BOOM! Suddently I get an idea.

- You can sleep in my bed tonight if you're too scared to sleep alone.

I say very much innocently, I wasn't trying to be creepy.

Suddently, I notice Ouma-kun face start to heat up. He's getting real flustered, why is he reacting this way?! He's making it super akward...

- Yeah... if you're o-okay with it.

He mumbles , looking away from me.

- Of course!

We then walk to my bed and we slide inside the not so comfortable sheets. Ouma seemed to have calmed down a little bit, which made me glad. Soon enough I felt ouma snuggle his face in my chest like I was a teddy bear,snoring. Then right there I realised the gravity of my proposition which was absolutely embarassing. I felt a dark blush creep up on my face. After a few minutes,I fell asleep.

gimme some feedback besties should i finish this?

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