Chapter 3

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I still don't know anything about this orphanage. Kokichi left the locker room in a hurry with those guys and left me alone here.
The headmaster couldve atleast gave me a tour of this place or even better just a map.

I guess i'll try and find the cafeteria by myself.

I strolled arround this huge orphanage for at least 2 hours.I came to the conclusion that I was lost. So I sat down to take a break,I buried my face in my knees and closed my eyes. Suddently I feel a tap on my shoulder.
A beautiful blonde haired girl in a blue JK uniform appeared. Kind of like a fairy. (dont worry THIS ISNT A SAIMATSU STORY)

- Hey, is there anything wrong?
She gave me a worried smile.

- Ah, yes i'm lost i'm looking for the cafeteria.

She giggled and nods.

- Follow me i'll lead you there.

I get up and walk alongside her. She smelled very good, kind of like sweets and cupcakes.
We went outside and walked to another building. I suppose it was the school one, with the chapel and classes and the other one was the dormatories. Soon enough, we arrive in front of a huge cafeteria.

- Here we are, by the way my name's Kaede Akamatsu if you ever need me!

I bow to thank her.

- Thank you,i'm shuichi saihara.

She smiles and runs away with a slight blush on her face.

I walked up to the lunch lady and grabbed food. Some curry and rice, basic but very good and filling.I look arround the cafeteria for Ouma but he is nowhere to be seen.

I should get him some food, he probably is still in his dorm. I'll do him a favor for taking me to the shower rooms this morning.

I walk back to the lunch lady and ask her for a supplement plate. I also grab him an apple and some milk.

Why do I always think about him?

- Alright, let's head back.


Time skip presented to you by saiouma enthousiast

I walk up to Ouma's dorm and unlock the door. I enter the not so spacious room placing my keys on the small table next to the door.In the corner of the room, behind his bed,was sitting Ouma with his mp3 player.
I walked up to him.

- Hey Ouma , I got you some food since I didn't see you at the cafeteria.

I usher next to him and sit down on his right.

- Thank you Saihara-Chan, I didn't know you were caring~

He forces a smile on his face and grabs the food immediately. He seemed pretty out of place- WAIT!

Did he just call me Saihara-Chan instead of Saihara-kun?

A dark blush creeps up on my face as I stare at him pulling his sleeves down. He then grabs the milk and takes a few sips. I scoot closer to him so I have more space to eat.

- So Ouma-kun, why'd you leave me alone in the shower rooms just to leave with your friends? I got lost y'know.

I asked that teasingly but also innocently. To my surprise, it seemed it was enough to shake him up. He looked upset, almost in pain as he anwsered me.

- D-dumbass! Those are not my friends! I'd never be friends with such- Jerks!

He then stares at me with a dead expression on his face.He looked really upset.I feel like i'v misunderstood something. I don't get it?

- What happened Ouma... you seem out of place.

- N-none of your buisness dipshit!

He averted his gaze looking at the windows trying to ignore me while eating his rice slowly.Occasionnally he'd pull down his sleeves suspiciously and of course I noticed that being the son of two famous detectives.
I suddently grab his arm and pull up his sleeves. He flinches immediately and lets out a grunt.

- Saihara- What are you doing!?

On front of my eyes were bloody bandages.
He tries to push my hand off but he couldn't he was too weak. I then carefully remove the bandages that revealed a dozen of deep cuts.Each single one was so deep I could see the fat.I gasp at what I had just witnessed.
An akward silence proceeds to take place right after that.

- Ouma? Did you do this to yourself?

I was so worried, dead worried. I couldn't even control my tone.

- N-no... I would never d-do that..

- Then who?! WHO DID THIS TO YOU!? I yelled .

Then it hit me. That green haired boy and that Kaito guy. So they weren't joking huh? Attacking the weak, they must be the worst of the scum. They weren't going to get away with this.

- It was those guys in the locker room huh Kokichi?
I asked,practically sure of my statement.

I looked at him in the eyes and he nodded silently. Soon enough I could see tears forming in the corner of his eyes. Sobs echoed accross the room.

I was going to make those bastards pay for hurting him like that.

I grabbed kokichi and pulled him in for a tight embrace. He was very startled and panicked for a moment. He then calmed down and buried his face in my chest, once again.I couldn't move, I was really embarassed but I felt so warm when he did that.

What was this feeling?

It can't be love right? Kokichi's a boy and i'm not gay! Plus, we just met. What does this mean exactly?

- Hey Saihara-Chan..


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at kokichi. His face was completly flushed and he was smiling a little.

- Yes kokichi?

He then looked at the window and then looked back at me fidgeting with his small fingers.

- Since you're being so nice to me, i'm inviting you to my secret hangout place tonight.
He said.

Inviting me? A secret hangout place? I'm a little worried but whatever it's not like I have plans or whatever.Plus, I do enjoy hanging out with Ouma-kun.

- Sure thing Ouma-kun, but let me treat ur cuts first.

I reached out to grab his small thin arms and started to disinfect his wounds with rubbing alcohol. He flinched and closed his eyes as soon as I did that. He looked so delicate and fragile, it made me want to protect him more.I'm not gonna lie this guy is pretty cute for a boy. I then take some new bandages and roll them on his arms.

- Here, done~

He beams and I smile back. Suddently I feel something on my cheek. Kokichi pressed his lips quickly on my cheek. When I realised what he had just did my face turned purple then red. I was so embarassed, why'd he do that for?
Not to be some type of hardcore loser but, I never have gotten kissed on the cheek by anyone ever in my whole life.

I could hear Kokichi chuckle accross the room.

- Did I startle you Saihara-Chan?~

He asks almost teasingly.

What's with the sudden personality change? What exactly is going through this boy's head?


Hope this wasn't too bad! This is
my first fanfic ever so yeah-

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