Chapter 9 (end)

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Shuichi's POV

Ouma and I dashed out of the forest as fast as we could.The sound of running through the woods alarmed the animals in the area. They had all ran away.

We needed to be quick, it would be morning in a few hours, we had to escape before that. If we didn't,I would never see my beloved Ouma ever again. I can't let that happen.We bolted into the orphanage, hurried up the stairs, running toward the boy's dormatories headquarters.

- Shumai, ur making too much noise shh..
He whispered to me

I nodded and slowed down to reduce the amount of noise I made.
When we arrived at the dorm, Ouma instantly unlocked the door and rushed inside locking it.
He then lit a candle to illuminate the room.

- Alright now, Shumai. You have to only bring a backpack. Minimise clothes and leave space for food.

Been a while since I heard Kokichi being that serious.

- Okay, i'll do that right now.

- Please be quick Shuichi...

He looked dead worried. I feel bad , very bad.
I gave him a reassuring smile as I looked over at him. He smiled back. I started packing up clothes in my bag, very few t-shirts and jeans. I stored a bunch of food in the bag aswell. Finally, I zipped up my backpack and tossed it over my shoulder. Kokichi wore a jacket and stuffed money into its pocket.

- Okay Shuichi i'm done, are you?

- Yes i'm done.

- Okay so the plan is, we have to climb the gate behind the orphanage. Then, we sprint out to the north for an hour until we arrive to Shirakawago Village. We'll find a place to sleep there, and in the morning we'll head for tokyo.

- Hehe... You sure are prepared Kokichi.

I gave him a sincere smile and blew out the candle. We unlocked the door and tiptoed to the staircase.When we got to the back door, we carefully opened it making sure it doesn't squeak. We then sprinted out to the fence.

- Be careful don't hurt youself while climbing.

Kokichi said.

He leaped onto the fence and climbed it like a child. I can tell it wasn't his first time doing this. I mimicked him, climbing the fence. We then jumped out the other sife of the fence.

- We did it... now run Shuichi , don't stop until I tell you.

I nod in agreement.

We take  a small break to catch our breaths and began sprinting towards the north, just as Kokichi had instructed. As he ran, Kokichi's hair was flowing in the wind.

Let's get outta here.

It has been an hour of me and Kokichi sprinting to Shirakawago City. When we finally arrived, we passed out from exhaustion  on the grass. It was 2 am, dark, and it was raining like crazy. To wake Kokichi up, I grabbed his shoudlers and shook him.

- Wake up Ouma... Let's find a place to sleep.

He stood up, exhausted, and pulled a map from his pocket. He stared at the map.

- Alright... There's a motel over there... We should be able to stay there tonight.

- Amazing Ouma!

I smiled at him and immediately hurried up.


We were standing in front of the crusty motel, which was illuminated by led lights.

- This is so Tokyo.  Said Kokichi.

- What does that even mean ?! I yelled, offended.

- Wait... I ask

I examine the motel we were standing in front of more closely.

- Why does it say "Love Hotel"

I ask, very confused.

- Ugh... I'm sorry Shuichi this is all I could find.

- Ah- It's alright.. but do you think they're gonna let us enter together?

Kokichi thought about it for a second.

- Pretty sure, it looks like they have zero clients they probably need money, so they wont refuse.

- Alright...let's head in then.

When we entered the "Love Hotel," it was completely empty. A man sat half asleep in front of a desk when we stepped in, but he awoke as soon as we entered. He greeted us immediately.

- A room for two please. One night.

Kokichi asked.

I have never seen him serious, this was fun.

The old hag stared at us with disgust.

What was up with him!? Did he think I was gonna do something weird with Ouma?!

- That will  5,513 yen.
He said.

Kokichi pulled money from his wallet and handed it to the old fella. The crippled man gave him the room key in exchange.

- Thank you.

Kokichi spun around, agitating the key with a sadistic smile.

- We did it !!!
He whispered.

I smiled back then we ascended the stairwell in search of our assigned room.

- I think it's this one...

Kokichi said pointing over to a salmon pink door. He took out his keys and put them in the keyhole opening the door. We both entered the room.It was a dreadful salmon-pink room with a visibly filthy bed. God knows how many people... were on that bed. 

- What a horrific room... let's go to sleep, tommorow let's head to tokyo.

Kokichi said.
I nodded.

It grossed us out, but exhaustion took the best of us. We collapsed on the bed. Kokichi moved closer to me and, as is his habit, snuggled into my chest. That was one of my favourite things he did. I placed a soft kiss on his forehead. Despite the fact that it was raining and cold outside, kokichi's behaviors only helped to warm me up. It's like he was a ray of sunshine. He is like the sun coming out after a storm.

Kokichi is my only Sunshine.
- Goodnight Shumai... I love you.

- I love you too, so let's keep living Kokichi.


Okay this is the end because i simply am bored of this book! hope yall liked it a little.

I'm working on a smut book if yall r interested ^-^

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