Chapter 6

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TW: chapter contains sexual assault and underage drinking. PLEASE proceed w caution

Next Day 7 pm

Today is the day I have to go to that "party" Kaede invited me to.I'm afraid of big crowds, especially in small places. I know I shouldn't be the one thats terrified because everyone seemed to enjoy my presence, but I can't help but feel horribly anxious. Kokichi was fixing his hair in the mirror. His hair defied gravity, how many cans of hairspray does this guy use!? His hair really looked pretty and the color was very unique.He noticed me staring intensly at him and spat out

- What'cha looking at Shumai? You better get ur ass going or else we're going to be late to your shit ass welcoming party!

He seemed pretty anxious, I could tell he was scared of something... but I promised him last time that I won't let anybody hurt him. Not again, he'll be fine. I'm sure.
I giggled and beamed.

I walked up to my suitcase and grabbed a dark blue hoodie as well as black jeans with slight rips in them. I changed myself quickly and fixed my ahoge with some hairspray and re-did my eyeliner. I looked... pretty acceptable. I think this is the type of thing you'd wear at a party, right?

- Look at you emo boy! You look cute Shumai!

I flinched at the sudden comment. I was flustered, once again.  He was smirking at me and laughing like an idiot.WHY DO I KEEP BEING AKWARD?

- Y-yeah whatever... Thank you..

I was blushing. Crap I have to fix my blushing habits, because this makes me act fucking gay and the thing is I'M NOT! Well.... I think.

- Alright Shuichi let's head to her dorm or whatever... Did she tell you the room number?

I was trying to remember the number. What was it again.... Ah ! I see!

- I belive it was 7487, Ouma.

- Alright then let's leave but be careful, we can't get caught or else we're fucking dead okay?

I nod and we carefully unlock the door. We walk slowly to the girls dormatories. We can hear some talking in the end of the hallway. We walk up to the direction where the noise is coming from,but Kokichi grabs my sleeve. He had a worried look on his pale face.

- First, please promise me you won't leave me alone shuichi...

The purple haired boy looked very embarassed asking me that but it was okay.

- Don't worry Kokichi i'll stay with you.

He smiled and continued his march towards the noise. We arrived in front of the dorm room and quietely knocked on the door. We were waiting for an anwser.Kokichi was staying really close to me, petrified almost. Suddently, the door opened and Maki and Kaede greeted us.

- Heyyy Shu'! I'm glad to see you came! Oh and hi Kokichi I guess.

She gave me the biggest smile ever and opened the door for us. The blonde girl then handed us drinks that were in red plastic cups.

- What is this? I ask her.

- Coke and vodka, it's pretty good.
She giggles at me.

We're underage... Anyways is this a party thing? Underage drinking? Whatever i'll pass on it. I cant. I have to look after Ouma.

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