chapter 7: d-72

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"Things were looking so good...
like the calm before the storm."

<It's alright, This is Love - Davichi>

Taehyung had found new meaning in life since the day he met Jisoo. And after they had confirmed their feelings for each other that day, Taehyung clearly couldn't contain how happy he felt. It was a genuine, one-of-a-kind emotional connection that he had found. They hadn't spoken much about it since then, but the way she looked at him that night and how she told him that she felt the same way... it repeatedly played in Taehyung's mind all day, everyday, like a broken record... occupying his thoughts and giving him energy to face the day.

"You've been looking like you're at the top of the world these days, oppa-" Jennie commented one day, as she skinned an apple for Taehyung by his bedside, after Taehyung let out a chuckle for no reason after recalling a funny joke Jisoo had told him a few days ago. "Anything good happened lately?"

"Nah, of course not-" Taehyung wiped the stupid smile off his face at once. "Why? What about you?"

"I'm not the one smiling like an idiot-" Jennie shrugged as she continued with the apple in her hands with the pairing knife. "So don't ask me."

"I'm smiling like an idiot?" Taehyung scoffed. "Come on now, we both know that's not true."

"Uh-huh, not true for the usual Kim Taehyung," Jennie agreed with a shrug. "That's why it's weird, oppa, that you're smiling so much these days. Do you happen to have a secret girlfriend I don't know about...?"

"W-What...?" Taehyung spluttered, clearly taken back by Jennie's comment. "N-No... No, I d-don't. How- I mean, why- why would you say that...? Of course I don't."

"Of course I know you don't." Jennie stared at Taehyung, taking a temporary break from her apple. "You're in the hospital, how is it even possible to find a girlfriend here...? It's weird how you're getting so defensive about it though, as if you really do have one."

"Excuse me... what?" Taehyung laughed out loud, a little too unnaturally for comfort as he shook his head in denial. "No, I do not. I do not have a secret girlfriend, Kim Jennie. Cut it out."

Jennie shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, if you say so."

"Enough about me-" Taehyung tried to change the subject. "What about you...? How's everything?"

"Me?" Jennie cut a piece of apple and shoved it into Taehyung's mouth with a cheeky grin. "How's everything...? Since when have you ever asked me stuff like that?"

"I don't know-" Taehyung grabbed a piece of apple from the table and shoved it into Jennie's mouth in return. "Maybe because I care for you...?"

"Ya-" Jennie glared at Taehyung as she removed the apple from her mouth. "You do realise I'm holding a knife, don't you."

Taehyung burst into laughter as he munched on the apple Jennie had so carefully sliced for him.

"I'm serious though," Taehyung lowered his voice a little, the smile fading slightly from his face as he leaned in a little closer. "What do you think of Namjoon-hyung?"

"Why do you keep pushing me with him, I swear-" Jennie let out a deep sigh as she put the knife in her hand down with a loud clatter. "I've only gotten to know him through you, oppa. I don't know him that well, so I have no idea what you're even saying."

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