chapter 11: d-47

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"I may eventually forget your name,
but how can I possibly forget you...?"

<The Story Never Told - Sondia>

Everything had happened so fast Jisoo barely even had any time to react.

"Ya! Kim Taehyung!"

Jisoo stood there as she watched Taehyung crumble to the ground helplessly, wanting nothing more than to run to his side and hold him in her arms. But her feet were glued to the ground - she couldn't move. Jisoo yelled at the top of her lungs, but no one could hear her-

How could she blame them?

But as people began surrounding Taehyung, Jisoo was getting more and more anxious as she stood there, unable to do anything as she saw the person she loved most being lifted up onto a stretcher and whisked off to an emergency room somewhere else in the hospital.

Jisoo was terrified, to say the least.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she stood there, watching helplessly as the scene unfolded before her very eyes. Maybe she never should have approached him. She knew she could never truly be by his side, she knew she could never hug him. And perhaps... if she had never approached him, things wouldn't be so painful for them both right now.

Back then, Jisoo had wanted to do all she could for him and befriending him seemed to be her best option...

Jisoo felt numb.


Then, very abruptly, like it was all just an overly realistic nightmare, Jisoo woke up in tears.


Seokjin, who had been dozing off on the chair next to Jisoo's bed, immediately jumped up in surprise. He peeked over at Jisoo's face to confirm that her eyes were open, and he freaked out.

"Jisoo-ya!" Seokjin raised his voice, shaking his little sister gently, getting more and more excited by the minute that she was finally awake. "Jisoo-ya! Can you see me? Can you hear me? Do you know who I am...?"

"Oppa..." Jisoo's voice was hoarse as she reached out and held onto Seokjin's hand. Of course she knew him. "Seokjin-oppa..."

Tears sprung to Seokjin's eyes.

"Mm, it's me!" Seokjin cried out as tears poured down his face, while he tightly squeezed Jisoo's hand in his. "It's me, Jisoo-ya! It's me! It's your Seokjin-oppa!"

"Seokjin-oppa..." Jisoo croaked, as large beads of tears rolled down Jisoo's face. Jisoo felt exhausted, like she had never felt before. She felt like she had taken a hundred year-long nap, but it wasn't a restful nap - it was a nap filled with nightmare after nightmare... and now that she was finally awake, she couldn't remember a single thing. "Oppa..."

"Huh...?" Seokjin leaned in closer so that he could hear her soft voice better. "What did you say? Jisoo-ya-"

"Where..." Jisoo swallowed hard, as tears continued to roll down her face uncontrollably. "Where is..."

"Hm? Where is...?" Seokjin frowned as he glanced at Jisoo. "Where am I? I'm right here, Jisoo-ya!"

Jisoo shook her head, as she kept crying. She herself had no idea why she felt this... empty, like something in her life was missing, like she had something to do. Like... there was somewhere she should be at right now. Someone... someone she should be with.

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