chapter 13: d-14

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"I remember a time when time itself seemed meaningless - that is, my life before you."

<Dreaming About You - Miyeon>

"Where is he?"

Jisoo was frantic.

"Huh?" Namjoon was caught off guard by Jisoo's sudden change in demeanour. "Wh-"

"Where is he right now!" Jisoo raised her voice, an apparent tone of urgency in her voice. "Tell me!"

"Who?" Namjoon instinctively pulled Hyeyoung closer to him, away from Jisoo. "Jisoo-ssi, please- please calm down-"

"Kim Taehyung!" Jisoo finally called out, as the floodgates of her eyes instantly opened and tears began to pour down her cheeks. "You said he's in a coma, didn't you? Bring me to see him, please."

"I can't just do that-" Namjoon began, but one look into Jisoo's eyes made him see her utter desperation. "Jisoo-ssi-"

"Bring me to see Kim Taehyung-" Jisoo's voice cracked, as she choked on her tears. She reached out and tugged at Namjoon's coat pleadingly. "I'm begging you, Dr Kim. Please. Please, I need to-"

"Hey-" Seeing how hopeless Jisoo looked, Namjoon finally relented with a deep sigh. "Alright - please follow me."

Jisoo followed Namjoon closely down the corridor, desperate to see Taehyung as soon as possible. As they passed by ward after ward in the hospital, more and more memories of the past began to flood Jisoo's mind.

After a couple of weird experiences, it was only a few days later that Jisoo finally found out what had truly happened to her - when she walked passed by a room, only to notice - to her horror - her physical body laying there, her brother leaning over her, weeping non-stop and gasping on air like his whole world had just left him.

It was traumatising, to see her flesh there, while she looked down at her hands and realised that they were translucent for the very first time. But more than traumatising, it was also painful - to stand before her beloved brother, waving at him desperately and trying to get him to see her... but him just holding on to her physical hand, crying uncontrollably.

Seeing this truly broke Jisoo.

Jisoo swallowed hard as the truth hit her - she was in a coma. No wonder people hardly saw her, no wonder the people around her didn't react to anything she did. It wasn't because she was dead and no one cared what she did - it was simply because her physical body was still fighting, and her soul wandered.

And she... was a soul.

"Hello!" Jisoo waved at a little boy who stood before her a couple days later, still determined to find out the reason for this weird phenomenon. "My name's Kim Jisoo, what's your name...?"

The little boy didn't respond much to her, no matter what kind of silly weird actions she made in efforts to get him to laugh. But unexpectedly, she heard someone behind her let out a sudden chuckle, and immediately turned around. To her surprise, the guy hurriedly turned away when her eyes landed on him, only making it more obvious that he had been staring at her all this while.

She finally found him.

Masking her curiosity with a wide smile, Jisoo rose to her feet and made her way towards the good-looking young man.

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