Y/N's Introduction

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Y/N's Introduction/BackStory

Hello! I'm Y/N L/N. I'm a third year at the famous school Shiratorizawa. It's my first day going to Shiratorizawa. We just moved from America to Japan. Both of my parents got a job out here. So now we live in Japan. So far it is very beautiful here. But I'm getting use to it.

Now I'm on my way to my new school. We have uniforms, which I'm not use to yet. But honestly if it saves me an outfit everyday, then I don't see why not. But I'm glad I can get a new start in highschool. It wasn't the best for me back in America. I was always happy, sweet, kind hearted person but people took advantage of that. They would use me for entertainment. I get I was a fun person to be around but using me as entertainment because you was bored isn't right. So honestly, I never had true friends.

But that's in the past. It's now a start. A new place and new school. That's right! I have to go unpack my room. Since today I won't go to school until I settled in. How fun. But tomorrow, I start my first day of school.

Oh! We also live it this nice two floor house. It's really nice! When you walk in, you take your shoes off and put on house slippers. You will see the stairs going up and a hallway that leads you to the kitchen, living room, dinning room, a bathroom, and laundry room. If you go upstairs you will see four doors. To the right is my room and a bathroom. To the left is my parent's room and an office. They also have a private bathroom.

Before we actually get started, I wanted to tell you a few things about me. I hope you can relate. I do believe in being reincarnated. I also believe in soul mates and twin flames. I also have some insecurities that I'm working on. I want to be able to be accepted for who I am and not what I look like. Also, I love anime! It's comforting for me. Oh! I also have a dog! His name is Grizz! (Yes that is my real dog's name and y/n is using him)

Okay!! I believe that is all! If you have questions, ask away! I'll try to answer as best as I can! See ya!

Guys I promise it will get better! I promise! Please give it a chance! This is my first fanfic! This was kind of like a background of what's going on.

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