The Wedding

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    You have been planning your wedding for a few months now. You had sent out invites to everybody.
You and Tendou looked at places for the honeymoon. Tendou had told you that you could plan the wedding as a surprise from everybody including him. It sounds a bit rude and mean but he only wants you to have the best wedding.

    You had planned out the wedding for a few months. It had only been 3 months. Tendou told you he wanted to have the wedding as soon as possible so you could enjoy the honeymoon. He wants you to feel special. You was happy at how the plans were coming out.

    Tomorrow was the big day. You had your dress or suit ready. Tendou had his suit ready. Your bridesmaids were picked out. They are the two girls that work for Tendou in his shop. The two girls both agreed to being your bridesmaids. You and the two girls went dress shopping for their dresses. You three arrived at the dress shop and started to pick out dresses. The dresses were in light colors. They both picked the pink light pearl color. The dresses were loose and not so tight to hug their figures. D/n also got to pick her dress out too. She will be the flower girl in the wedding.

    Tendou had picked out his suit and his best man's suit and the other groomsman suit. The best man is Ushijima and the groomsman is Goshiki. Semi even had a part or two to play in your wedding. He will be the ring bearer and the entertainment. You told Tendou that your dress is white. You didn't tell him anything else about the dress or suit. Tendou decided to match your dress or suit color as your dress or suit but he didn't tell you. He thinks it would be cute. But it was a surprise for you.

    Time Skip

    It was the day of your wedding. You were more then excited. Last night you and Tendou apart from each other. You stayed in a hotel with your child and the bridesmaids. Tendou and his groomsmen stayed at the house. Tendou and the boys would get ready at the house. You and the girls would get ready at the hotel.

    After a few hours, you and the girls were ready and all dressed up. You and the girls go to the car that was already ready for you and the girls. Once you arrive to the venue, you looked around it before your soon to be husband and friends and guest arrived. You was in shock because of how beautiful all the planning came out. (You can pick the place y/n and Tendou get married at). You and the girls rushed off to the room you were going to be using to get ready. Inside the room, the dress or suit was on a mannequin. You slowly walked over and walked around the mannequin.

"It's actually happening...I'm really getting married." You said with tears in your eyes.

"Well of course you are. This is a special day." One girl said.

" will look so beautiful today!" D/n said with excitement.

You smiled and gently patted her head. "You will look beautiful too my little flower girl." You said and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Well my beautiful's time to get ready." You said.

    After an hour, the wedding was about to start. You could see all your guest arriving. You was very nervous. You tried to hide it but couldn't. D/n came up and hugged you. Feeling the hug made you relax a bit. You took a couple of deep breaths and relaxed fully.

    The wedding was now starting. The bridesmaids and groomsmen all walked in together. Tendou then walked and stood at the alter and waited. D/n walked down the aisle laying down flower peddles. Your father waited at the closed doors for you. He was going to walk you down the aisle. You smiled and hugged him. He hugged you back and smiled.

"I'm so proud of you." Your father said.

It brought tears to your eyes. "Thank you father. It means a lot to me for you to say that." You said as he gently wiped your tears away.

"Now is not the time to cry sweetie. Let me see that smile. Your soon to be husband is right behind these doors waiting for you." He said.

"Right. Thank you father." You said and smiled. Your father pulled your veil over your face.

The two doors slowly opened. The music started to play. Tendou looked at the other end over the aisle. He saw your dress or suit and was starting to tear up. He realized that he was finally marrying the love of his life. As you got closer, you could see his face and which seeing his face brought you into tears. As you and your father reached the end of the aisle, your father gave you a hug and kiss on the cheek and gave yours hands to Tendou. Your father took his seat next to your mother.

The ceremony began. The Priest read the speech. You looked at Tendou and smiled a bit. You gently rubbed his hands. Tendou would smile and rub your hands back. The priest asked for the rings. Semi handed Tendou the rings.

Tendou placed the ring on your finger and repeated what the priest said.

You took the other ring and placed it on Tendou's finger and repeated what the priest said.

"Do you Tendou Satori take Y/n L/n you be you partner to have and hold, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?" The priest asked.

"I do." Tendou said and looked at you.

"Do you Y/n L/n take Tendou Satori to be your husband to have and hold, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?" The priest asked.

"I do!" You said excitedly.

"Are there any objections? Speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest said.

Nobody said anything.

"I now pronounce you Mr. & Mrs. Satori. You may now kiss your bride/partner." The priest said.

With that Tendou lifted your veil and pulled you in closer. You gently cupped his cheeks, as his arms wrapped around your waist. Your lips meet his lips in a loving passionate kiss. Everybody clapped and watched the two of you walk out.

You, Tendou, and everybody else went to the next room. This room had food and drinks, live music from Semi and his band, a dance floor, and a photo booth. It was like a party. People made speeches for you and Tendou. Everything was amazing. It's all you could have asked for.

After the wedding was over, your parents took D/n so you and Tendou could enjoy your honeymoon. You planned it for only a week. You and Tendou went somewhere warm and beautiful. You decided a beach would be nice. Tendou agreed that a beach would be nice. You and him enjoyed your time together. You were currently 4 months pregnant. But you managed to have the time of your life. You and him did site seeing, island hoping, trying different foods and sweets, dancing, swimming, hanging out on the beach, and most importantly spending as much time with each other as possible. That was your whole honeymoon with him. After the week was up you and him went back home.

    After 5 months, you gave birth to a healthy beautiful baby boy. He had your eyes and a mix color of your hair and Tendou's hair. He weighted 7 lb. and 6 oz. when he was born. You and Tendou gave him a beautiful that he lived up too. D/n also lived up to her name. They are both wonderful and smart kids. Once D/n got older, she decided to take over Tendou's chocolate shop. S/n decided to become a professional volleyball player. He actually picked up the same talent Tendou had when he was playing volleyball. You and Tendou retired somewhere peaceful but fun. You two supported both kids no matter what. This was your happily ever after.

The End

This is the end of the book. I know it hard and it sucks that the story ended but a new one will start soon. Thank you to everybody that did stay with me this long. I appreciate all the love and support. Thank you again! 🥺💖

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