The Deep Conversation

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    After waking up in Tendou's arms, you continued to lay there. You listened to his heart beat which made you smile. Tendou slowly woke up and looked at you.

"Good morning baby..." He said in a sleepily voice. You looked at him.

"Good morning babe..." you said.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"Mmmm a bit sore but I'm okay." You said and slowly sat up.

"I'm sorry you need anything?" He asked.

"No I'll be fine." You said.

    Tendou placed a hand on your thigh and slowly rubbed it. You blushed a bit. He smiled and kissed your forehead. You had this feeling deep inside you when it came to Tendou. This is a feeling you only get with him.

"Hey you believe in past lives?" You asked.

"Hmmm? Like where you was a princess or prince or something and I save you or meet you or something?" He asked.

"Yeah...or it could even be recent like I was alive 80 years ago and so were you...." You said.

"Well then yes, I do believe in it." He said looking at you.

    The feeling you have with Tendou is the feeling of being with him but in a different life time. You wanted to tell him. You had to tell him.

"When I'm with you...I feel so safe and comfortable. Like I have known you all my life...I never felt like this but I'm scared of losing you.." You said looking at him.

He cupped your cheeks and kisses your lips gently. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise." He said softly.

You nodded and kissed him back gently. You slowly laid your head on his chest.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me?" He asked.

"Well i don't like my body. I'm big and I have always been big. I was always picked on. But I did have a small friend group back in America. We did all kinds of things." You said.

"Baby...size does not matter to me. You are beautiful just how you are. So what if you a big. I like you just the way you are. Like you don't need to change." Tendou said.

"But Tend-" You was cut off.

"There are no buts. You have always been the most beautiful person I have seen. I wouldn't change a thing about you. I know you don't like to eat. I have seen you at lunch. Missing meals like that aren't good." He said worried.

You started to tear up. "But Tendou....sometimes it's hard for me. I understand you want me to eat and not miss a meal, but sometimes I'm not in the mood to eat." You said.

Tendou wipes your tears away. "How about this...I eat lunch with you everyday so I know you are eating, okay?"

You nod in response.

"Look I was bullied when I was growing up too. Nobody wanted to play with me. I was always called names like lizard or freak...but it's okay. I got a new name now." He said gently rubbing your cheeks.

"What is it?" You asked.

"It's the guess monster. I'm not a fan of it but it beats being called lizard and anything else." He said with a slight chuckle.

"But you aren't a are the best person in the world. At least that's what I think. I don't like you getting called a monster. I will defend you no matter what." You said in a brave voice.

He watched you for a bit but started to laugh. He thought it was adorable. "Baby you don't need too. But I do appreciate it. You are too cute and funny." He said hugging you.

"Baaabbbbeeee it's true! But still it's not okay for you to be bullied." You  said sitting on his lap.

"And it's not okay for you to be bullied either." He said holding you by the waist.

    You and Tendou ended up talking for a bit longer. You two forgot that today was a school day. You and Tendou ended up spending all day having this deep conversation with each other. You both missed school but you both decided to go to practice.

    At practice, Goshiki was asking where the two of you have been all day. Some of the team teased you and Tendou. But everybody was just having a good time laughing. That was until the Coach Washijo yelled at everybody to warm up.

    Practice carried on like normal. After practice Tendou walked you home. He gave you as kiss goodnight and told you he would text you when he got home. You have him a kiss and watched him leave.

    You walked in the house and made yourself dinner and Grizz dinner. You gave Grizz his food and sat down to eat your food. Your phone went off. You checked your phone to see a text from Tendou.

Babe❤️ [Hey baby I made it home❤️]

Reply[thats good. I'm glad you are home safe. Go make food and get some rest]

Babe❤️ [ okay okay. You get food too and rest!]

Reply[ ha! I already ate! 😁😂 but I'm about to get ready for bed]

You went up stairs and did everything you would do before bed. You showered and lotion up. You changed your clothes. You laid in bed with grizz. You picked your phone back up and texted tendou.

Reply[ okay baby I'm going to sleep. Good night I love you❤️😘]

Babe❤️[ okay goodnight baby I love you too]

    You put your phone on the charger and fell asleep. Through out the night you had a strange dream. It caused you to wake up throughout the night. The dream was over all weird. Like it wasn't scary or anything but things didn't make sense to you.

    The next day you told Tendou about the dream. He laughed at your dream. He wasn't making fun of you or anything, he was laughing at how you explain it. Ushijima can up you and Tendou to tell you something.

"We need to get ready for Nationals" Ushijima said.

This is the end of the chapter.

Thank you again for staying with me thing long. I appreciate everybody that reads my story.

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