It's Official

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    You stood there looking at Tendou. Your heart was racing and your body was shaking, but not from being scared, but you were nervous. You gently took both of his hands into your hands and looked up at him smiling.

"Of course I would Tendou!" You said with pure joy.

He smiled and quickly hugged you. "You have made me the happiest person ever! I love you y/n!" He said and kisses your lips. You kissed his lips back and smiled.

"Come by here in the morning so we can walk to school, okay?" You said.

"Okay I'll be here in the morning. But go get some sleep. Okay?" Tendou said as he let go of you slowly.

"Okay okay. You do the same." You said and gave him one more kiss. He gave you one more kiss too.

    With that, you and Tendou are officially dating. You slowly walked up to the house and Tendou made sure you got in the house safely before he left. You went inside and Tendou left. You went to the kitchen to grab a dinner. You fed Grizz and let him outside for a bit. You did everything you needed to do down stairs before you when upstairs.

    When you get upstairs, you go take your shower and get ready for bed. Grizz lays on your bed while you shower. After your shower, you put your lotion on and got ready for bed. You went down stairs and locked the front door and let Grizz outside one last time for the night. You locked all the doors and went back up starts and to your room. You shut the door and laid in bed. Grizz laid in the bed with you. You eventually fell asleep.

The Next Morning
    Your alarm went off and you turned it off. You got dressed and went down stairs. You ate and fed Grizz. You let him outside for a bit and brought him back inside. Your phone went off. You picked up your phone and saw it was from Tendou.

Text for Tendou❤️ {Hey GoodMorning Beautiful. I'll be there in 5 minutes, okay?}

You smiled and replied. {okay! Good morning love! I'll see you soon}

You got your bag and headed out the door. Once you got outside you saw Tendou walking up. You locked the door and ran up to him giving him a hug and kiss.

"Hello did you sleep?" Tendou asked.

You smiled and held his hand. "I slept good and you?" You asked.

"I slept good." He said with a smiled.

    You and Tendou walked to school. You and him talked the whole way there. You listened to talk about an anime he was watching. You told him you would watch it. You and him made plans to go to the city for the weekend to go shopping and have a weekend together.

    After a you two reach the school, people are staring at you two. You can hear people whisper things about you two. Other people find you two to be a very cute couple. Ushijima had spotted both of you and walked over to you.

"Hello Tendou and Y/n. I see you two finally started dating. I'm glad." Ushijima said.

"Well I guess the new spreads that fast....well anyways yes we are. We spent a lot of time together." You said.

"Well yeah. I just never knew I would have ended up in a relationship where I'm happy." Tendou said.

"The team knew you two would date. We could all tell by the way he acts towards you and how much time you two spent together." Ushijima said.

A Monster's Love (Tendou x Chubby Reader)Where stories live. Discover now