The Truth Comes Out

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The next morning, you woke up and put a robe on. You went out the room, letting Tendou sleep a bit more. You went in the kitchen and started to make breakfast. D/n name came out of her room. She went to the couch and started watching tv.

"Good morning princess. How did you sleep?" You asked.

"Good morning mommy..I slept okay but I kept hearing weird sounds.." she said.

"Ooh like what?" You asked.

"It sounded like banging something on the wall." She said.

You got a little embarrassed. "Oh we might have noisy neighbors." You said.

"Mmmm okay." She said.

She turned the tv on and started to watch her favorite anime. Tendou came out the room with a shirt and shorts on. He walked over to you and gave you a kiss. You blushed a bit and kissed him back. "Good morning lovely~..." He said softly. You smiled and hugged him. "Good morning cutie~.." you said softly to him. He smiled and hugged you back. Then he walked over to the couch and kissed the top of D/n's head. "Good morning princess.." he said and sat down next to her. "Good morning Tendou." She said.

"What you watching?" Tendou asked.

"This new anime. I forgot the name.." she said.

"Ooh okay...hey princess, how would you feel if me and your mommy started dating?" Tendou asked. You heard him and blushed, hiding your face.

D/n was so excited. She stood up on the couch and placed her hands on Tendou's shoulder. "Really?! Are you serious?! I would love that!" She said.

You heard his question to D/n. You blushed ever more.

"Well I would like a second chance. Your mommy means a lot to me and so do you. You are my child too. I could never love anybody else but your mother." Tendou said.

You looked at them. Your heart was aching and tears rolled down your face. "Y-You really mean that?" You asked.

Tendou looked at you. He saw you crying. Him and D/n walked over to you. D/n was hugging your leg and Tendou hugged you. He slowly cupped your cheeks and wiped the tears away. "Of course I do. I could never love somebody else. You are my first love." He said and kissed your lips.

After a few minutes, Tendou finally got you to calm down. You finished cooking breakfast and served them food. The three of you sat down and ate breakfast together. After everybody was finished eating, you cleaned up the dishes and went to the room and got dressed. Tendou helped D/n get dressed. Then Tendou got ready for work.

    You decided you and D/n would walk Tendou to work. D/n held both your hand and Tendou's hand. You and Tendou could only smile at how cute she was being. Once you are all outside of Tendou's job, you see a very mad woman. You looked closer to see it was Yui. She is yelling and cussing causing a disturbance. Tendou sighed and let go of D/n's hand. He bent down and gave her a kiss and hug. He then gave you a hug and kiss on your forehead.

"Are you fucking kidding me Tendou?" Yui yelled.

"What? I'm hugging my daughter and baby mama. Is that a problem?" Tendou asked as he walked towards his store.

You and D/n followed behind him because D/n wanted a sweet treat.

"Yes it's a fucking problem Tendou. That is your ex. You're allowed to see them." Yui stated in a very pissed off tone.

"Well sorry, you aren't going to keep me away from my only child." Tendou said as he walked into the store.

"She isn't your only child Tendou...because I'm pregnant!" Yui said.

Tendou looked at Yui with a straight face. "It's not mine. I know that you been cheating behind my back. You know, that so called "family member" you always go see every weekend." Tendou said.

"He is my family member. Listen to me." Yui said.

"Oh yeah? Then explain that to him." Tendou said and pointed to the door and signaling the man to walk in his store.

"Huh? What are you-" Yui said and looked behind her to see a man walk in.

"Excuse me sir, do you know this woman?" Tendou asked and pointed to Yui.

"Yes I do. She was just at my house last night." The man said.

"Okay, so what did you to do last night?" Tendou asked as he leaned against the counter.

Yui looked at the man and then Tendou. "We did nothing." Yui said.

"Oh nothing? So us having unprotected sex is nothing? You told me multiple times you wanted a baby and so I gave you one. You said you couldn't have one with your boyfriend no matter how many times you tried having sex with him." The man said.

You stood there trying to mind your own business while D/n was looking for a snack. You chuckled a bit.

"Exactly. Yui I knew you have been cheating on me. So I slept with Y/n several times last night and let me tell you..they are way better at it then you will ever be." Tendou said.

You bust out laughing. You couldn't help it anymore.

The man walked out of the store. "Oh Yui, you are fire. We are over. Move all your things out of MY apartment. You try taking anything that doesn't belong to you, you will be arrested." Tendou said.

You could see and hear the other employees chuckling.

"Whatever! Your fucking dick was small anyways!" Yui yelled and stormed out.

"You never seen my dick before and Y/n could tell you other wise." Tendou said.

Yui was pissed. She stormed off to chase that guy down.

You walked over to Tendou and hugged him. "You are so mean Tendou Satori.." You said softly.

He hugged you and kissed your lips. "Mmmm I don't think so.." He said would a chuckle.

"Yeah yeah.." You said and kissed him again.

D/n walked over. "So are you two dating now?" She ask.

"Well are we dating?" Tendou ask.

You stood there and thought for a second. "Yes we are. We are back together." You said.

"Yay! Mommy and Tendou are dating now!" She said excitedly.

You and Tendou watched D/n dance around store excited to have both parents in her life. She was so happy. She was a ball of happiness. After a few minutes you went back to the hotel with D/n to look through photos you took the day before. You did some editing and sent the off to your publisher. They were excited to see what you got. While you waited for the phone call, you made you and D/n so lunch.

After awhile, you received a phone call from your publisher. You said they wanted more photos and that the ones you sent in were amazing. You agreed to do it. So tomorrow you had another adventure to go on.


THANK YOU FOR READING!! The next chapter will be out soon! I'm hoping the next day or two.

Thank you guys for interacting and reading and commenting and voting on my book means so much to me! I appreciate everybody! Thank you again 🥺❤️

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