A New Start

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POV Inside Y/N'S Thoughts:

'I had just moved to Japan with my family and my dog Grizz. We use to live in America, but now my parents got their jobs transferred to Japan. So here we are. It's actually way more peaceful then I though it would have. The screener is so beautiful here too! I'm just glad I can finally get a new start.

Yeah, life in America wasn't all that good. I was always bullied and teased and made fun of all the time. It made making friends really hard. I just couldn't help but to come home after school and cry. The teachers really didn't believe that the other kids were always picking on me. My parents tried multiple times to talk to the school about it, but nothing was ever done. So I was excited to start somewhere completely new and fresh. It's honestly exciting! I'll be attending a really great school this year too! I think it's called Shiratorizawa. It sounds like a really interesting school. I took the entrance exams and got it. It was kind of easy.

I start tomorrow. I'm nervous and yet excited. I'm also glad we can wear uniforms. That means I don't have to waste five different outfits every week. That actually saves me a lot of time in the mornings. I won't have to stress out about what to wear. That is the beauty of a school that has uniforms.'

POV not in Y/N's thoughts:

While you were speaking inside of your head, you were unpacking everything into your new room. You started to put together your bed frame while listening to music with the windows open. The nice warm breeze gently blowing, keeping it a nice comfortable temperature in your room. Your dog laid on his little dog bed and watched you put your bed together.

After about an hour, you got the bed frame put together. You pushed your bed frame in a corner of the room. You had a window at the end of your bed and a window at the top of the bed but over to the left more, if you were face the bed from the end of the bed. The window at the top of the bed, looked out to the neighbor's house. The other window looked at the end of the bed looked out at the front of the house where the street was. Then you carefully moved the box spring onto the bed frame. Then you carefully moved your bed onto the box spring. You grabbed the clean sheets and started to make your bed. As you were making your bed, your one favorite songs came on. It was Post Malone - Circles that had started playing. You started to sing your heart out. You're an amazing singer. You even dreamed of being a famous singer at one point. That is still a dream of yours.

Once you were done putting the sheet on your bed, you finished making the rest of your bed. You like to sleep with a lot of pillows and a few of your favorite plushies. After you were done making up your bed, you sat on the end of the bed. You looked to your left and looked out the window at the street. You saw people walking by wear the school uniform.

'Oh...I guess they live on my street and go to the same school as me. Maybe I'll go for a walk and see if I can meet new people.'

You looked at your dog. You whistled and patted the bed. He looked at you and got up. He ran up to the bed and jumped on it. You smiled.

"Hey bubs you wanna go for a walk?" You asked in a baby-ish voice.

Grizz looked at you and barked. His tail wagged fast out of excitement. You smiled and grabbed his leash. You hooked it onto him and walked down stairs. You put her shoes on at the front door.

"Hey mom. I'm taking Grizz on a walk. I'll be back in 20 minutes or so." You said calling out to your mother from the front door.

"Okay sweetie! Be safe!" Your mother replied.

You opened the door and walked outside with the small dog. You shut the door behind the two of you and started to walk up the street. You were in the mood to explore and walk around to get fresh air. Grizz on the other hand, well he was excited to go on the walk with his owner. His little fluffy tail wagging as the two of you walked. After a few minutes, you found a play ground. You looked inside and saw a few high school kids. They were wearing the same uniforms like the ones you saw earlier. You was going to go say hi and introduce yourself but got scared and walked away.

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