chapter thirteen

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adrien's pov
"what are you smiling about?" plagg asked me, seeing me grin as i texted nino that i wouldn't be able to go.
"my father told me i couldn't go, but he didn't say anything to chat noir." plagg narrowed his eyes at me.
"okay, but your friends didn't invite chat noir."
"that, i think i can take care of," i told him, and he looked at me like i was an absolute heathen. so maybe i was one, but everyone needs to have a little fun once in a while.
   i opened the app i had synced to my staff. i had originally used it to transfer all the ladybug pictures i had taken to my normal phone, then sometimes to receive calls from ladybug, but it should do for this. (a/n: ok but how do lb and cn talk when not transformed ? like , those sudden emergency calls , how ??? we're just gonna pretend this is how)
   i dialed marinette's number into it and clicked the call button. hopefully she wouldn't ask me how i even got her number in the first place, because i had no good enough excuses as to who chat noir would even ask to get it.
   she picked up after a few rings. "um, hi, who is this?"
   "heyyy, sugarcube," i said, copying plagg's nickname for ladybug's kwami. he let out a squeak of indignation from across the room, and i smiled sheepishly at him.
"chat noir?"
"the one and only."
"ok, i'm not even gonna ask how you got my number but... why the sudden call?" the question brought a smile to my face. it reminded me of all the 'sudden calls' ladybug and i have had, and it sounded familiar coming out of marinette for some reason.
"oh, you know, cats get bored of preening all day. and, since i couldn't grace you with my presence today, i figured i'd call you and ask if you were free tomorrow," i half-asked half-stated, trying to think of a sly way to get her to ask me to go to disney with her. i had to admit the plan was slightly mischievous, but i doubted anyone would ever care.
"as much as i would looove to hang out, i can't. i'm going-" she stopped mid sentence and hesitated for a few seconds. finally, she continued.
"to disneyland with some friends. actually, would you like to... come too? my friend alya has been dying to spend time with you ever since she found out you came to my house," she said, slightly laughing. score!
"say i... do go. where would i meet you guys at?"
   "just come to my house before 11. we're eating and then leaving right after."
   "it's a date!"
   "HA! don't flatter yourself, kitty."
   my father- as usual- didn't have time to eat lunch with me. typically, i wouldn't consider it "lucky", but today was an exception. i took my sandwich up to my room and shut the door.
   "i still can't believe you're doing this," plagg said disapprovingly, mostly because he just wanted to sleep.
   "cmon, plagg. i just want to have a little fun," i pleaded, and his expression sort of softened. he sighed in defeat, and i rubbed his chin before transforming and heading out.
marinette stood outside her door, waiting for me.
"there you are! you're late," she accused, and i smirked.
"that's a lot coming from the girl who's always late."
her eyes widened for half a second before she raised an eyebrow at me. "how would you know that?" it was my turn to widen my eyes.
"um, lucky guess? besides, you just told me. guess you're not as big a genius as you say you are," i retorted, and her face relaxed.
"i said it once! you're not so smart either," she scowled.
"are you kidding? i'm brighter than that lamp," i said, pointing at a dimmed out lamppost across the street.
"right. anyway, come in, everyone's waiting!" she pulled me inside and up to her house, where everyone was, indeed, waiting. well, everyone being alya and nino.
"finally, he's here! i was starting to think he was gonna pull a marinette and never show," alya said, nudging her best friend lightly in the ribs. marinette laughed in response.
"are you guys sure nobody's gonna wonder what chat noir is doing at a theme park?" nino said, examining me. "i mean, i love that he's joining us, but maybe he should wear.. something, to avoid people staring."
"a costume over the costume. i guess it makes sense. well, i probably have something up in my room," marinette said, running up the stairs. we all followed suit and, soon, i found myself in every combination of hat, sweater, scarf, you name it. they were all great designs by marinette, but...
"won't a scarf and puffy jacket in the middle of spring make me stand out more?"
"you're right," marinette said, tapping her fingers on her chin. she stayed like that for a few seconds before popping back up. "i've got it!"
she pulled out a beret, a vest and some glasses then handed them all to me. the beret looked familiar, but i couldn't quite put my finger on why. "these should make you less recognizable, even with, um, the rest of your suit. put them on so we could leave," she said eagerly.
i did as she told me to and earned laughs from everyone in the room.
"well, at least now we know marinette's collection is compatible with everything but a cat suit," alya laughed, and i looked at myself in the mirror. she was right, i looked ridiculous.
"well, i think it brings out my eyes," i said, slinging an arm casually around marinette. "now let's go! i didn't come over to play dress-up."

(a/n: look at me forcing them to go to disneyland paris yeah)

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