chapter nine

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adrien's pov
   i swung in through my open window, careful not to make any noise. after the lecture i got earlier, i didn't want to know what my father would do if he caught me coming home this late.
   detransforming, i threw myself onto my bed. i smiled at the ceiling. it wasn't just the fact that i got to hang out with marinette again. it was the fact that everything in her house was so... perfect. her parents were the nicest people ever, and they never failed to welcome me with open arms. i almost felt like i was part of their family. i longed for that in my own home.
   "so, did you bring any bread back from your girlfriend's house?" plagg asked me, breaking me from my thoughts.
   "she's not my girlfriend, i already told you we're just friends, plagg. plus, i can't bring a tasty souvenir for you each time i go to her house," i laughed. plagg groaned.
   "she might as well be! you're always so happy around her. if not her, then who else? you already know ladybug loves someone else." i opened my mouth to talk, but then closed it again. i know i've been working on getting over ladybug, and, though it wasn't nearly as much as a few months ago, it still slightly stung to hear someone say she didn't love me back.
   "i've got kagami," i replied finally. "besides, marinette has luka. it all works out."
   "whatever you say. anyway, i'm going to sleep. goodnight, adrien," plagg yawned, and i followed suit. it was pretty late.
   "goodnight, plagg."
   i sat at my desk, trying to complete my homework. sighing, i threw my pencil at my paper and leaned back on my chair. it was no use. i couldn't concentrate knowing that a few rooms away, nathalie was in bed, wilting away slowly due to her mysterious illness. she had been doing fine, it seemed as if things were getting back to normal, but then yesterday she just, collapsed. it wouldn't worry me so much if that wasn't the same thing my mom went through before disappearing.
   "plagg, what if nathalie doesn't make it? what if, just as i thought things were getting better, they get worse all over again?"
   "adrien, you've got to look on the bright side. your dad has the best doctors for her, the best medicines, nathalie's chances of making it are super high," he reassured me. i maintained my frown.
   "father also had the same top care for my mother, and she's gone." plagg opened his mouth then closed it. he fluttered next to me.
   "i, don't know what to tell you then. we just have to hope for the best, but whatever happens, i'm here for you," he said, which made me smile softly.
   "thanks plagg. you're the best."
    he nodded, then dug back into his camembert. i sighed yet again. i still couldn't shake the worries out of my head. knowing i was in for a sleepless night, i dialed nino's number. straight to voicemail. he must have been asleep.
    i considered calling ladybug, but refrained. she was probably also asleep by now. i decided to call the one person i figured would most likely be awake right now.
   "hey, marinette. do you think we can talk for a bit?"

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