Chapter One - Unlikely Encounter

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Warning! This story contains fluff and scenes that may or may not give the reader butterflies. Read at your own risk~!

Also, to avoid ✨ pedophilia ✨ You are 19 in this fanfiction.

Okay! Without further adeiou, let's get started~! (ˊ˘ˋ*)


I sighed heavily. College really sucks. I don't even know why I decided to go in the first place. I mulled over the stack of papers I had accumulated due to my professional procrastination skills. Groaning, I slammed my head into my desk. I sighed again as I let my eyes wander.

I was sitting at a deep brown desk that had all of my work sprawled in an unorganized mess across it's surface. I was facing my dorm room, which was lightly furnished. I had my bed directly across from me, with my anime plushies and body pillows piled on top. I had a small nightstand beside the bed that held my lamp and a book of FableHaven along with the first book of Harry Potter. My dorm walls were covered in manga, Shounen, and Anime posters. All of which were tastefully placed. A few beanbags sat in the room to make up for the empty space.

I dragged myself out of the chair I had been stuck in for the past few hours. Walking over to my bed, I flopped onto it, deciding that I had done enough work for today.

"Today... What is today..?" I mumbled, lazily grasping for my phone under the covers.

March 2nd, 2021.
7:25 PM.

Suddenly, I shot up from my bed. It was Tuesday!

I ran to the kitchen to grab some Honey Buddha chips and a cup of Boba milk tea I got earlier. Rushing to my small living room, I practically threw myself on the couch and frantically snatched the remote, clicking the TV on. I switched to Twitch and waited. As I did, I got comfy with my fluffy green scouts blanket from AOT, and sipped on my boba.


The notification was there. I clicked on it as fast as I could, hardly being able to contain my excitement. Kaneki Ken was on the screen being his usual self. I waited in anticipation for the stream to start, turning up the TV volume. Dramatic music played in the background that reminded me of Black Butler.

"Helloo~ Everyone! One moment and..." The camera switched from the waiting screen to the facecam, "There we are~! Welcome to the stream!" I giggled in child like excitement as I saw Danny's face for the first time in a few days.

The usual banter continued through the stream. He talked with chat for a bit before switching to Doki Doki Literature Club with a friend of his. I still couldn't remember his name, but I laughed as I recalled his stream the Friday before. His friend had challenged the audience to make a fanfic about him and Danny, and someone had - SWIFTLY - delivered. I laughed even harder as I remembered Danny's horrified screaming as his friend read almost ALL of it.

I opened my bag of Honey Buddha chips and popped one in my mouth as I continued watching the stream, relieved that I had something to motivate me.

- Later -

I sighed in exhaustion as I wiped a tear from my eye. I had been laughing so hard that the time flew by quicker than normal. Checking the clock, I quickly grew distraught.

10:45 PM.

Only 15 minutes left. I looked back to the TV as Danny interacted with his fans. I sighed in content. At least the stream had been today, of all days. It had been a difficult morning, so it sort of ruined the rest of the day. As I watched him laugh and respond to question after comment, I found myself blushing slightly. I quickly shook my head, chuckling in embarrassment.

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