Chapter Five - Safety

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S NOT STAYING HERE?! THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT-" Jack started yelling again as his friends helped him up before Danny cut him off.

"Listen here you barbaric," He gently placed me behind him "washed up, ignorant, snollygostered, insignificant tasteless pig." He almost whispered. I could practically see him steaming with rage.

"She is leaving whether you like it or not. Men like you are the opitime of scum, of filth, of boarishness-" He cut himself off as he stepped closer to Jack. He started to crawl away scared, but Danny stepped on his stomach.

"And you will not stop me. She is packing her things. Right. Now." He looked to me with outrage in his eyes. Despite me knowing that he wasn't angry at me, I still felt guilty. I knew he didn't like being angry, and he beats himself up when he gets like this.

"Go get your things." He said sternly, attempting to soften his voice while addressing me. I nodded and stood up, limping my way to my room. I grabbed a suitcase I had stashed away in a corner and began packing clothes. I paused, thinking of what else to bring. I looked over at my dresser and grabbed a silver locket, a honeybee plushie, and a small collection of knives and other weapons. I wanted to be prepared.

I also grabbed a collection of photos and my favorite blanket, and limped out of the room. When I walked out, I saw blue and red lights flashing frantically. I froze in my tracks.

I hadn't called the police..? No, wait, did I? No, I didn't! Why is the police here?!

I panicked as I peeked around a corner to find Danny conversing with an officer. The officer seemed calm enough. Danny was still fuming, but he was a bit calmer than before. His shoulders were in a relaxed disposition but his arms were crossed, his posture rigid. I slowly walked behind him, listening in on the conversation.

"...and he's been taken into custody, so there is no need to worry about that."

"Good. Please make sure he is thoroughly restrained." Danny said politely, but still warily. The officer smiled and nodded, shaking his hand and leaving the dorm. Danny turned to me with glowing eyes, the red and blue lights reflecting off of his chocolatey orbs. I looked down in shame, knowing that I really messed up bad. My hair fell in my face, concealing my humiliated expression.

I've only been on one date with him. Hell, I only met him today. And all of this happened. I must look like such a wreck to him...

"Y/N." I jumped at the sound of his voice, not daring to look up. I could feel tears threatening to roll over the brink of my waterline. My throat felt as if someone was choking me, making my breath rigid and faltering.

I saw him kneel in front of me, making him shorter than me. He looked through my curtain of hair and into my eyes, but I avoided his eye contact. Tears began falling in hot streams down my face.

"Y/N, look at me." He said softly. I sniffled, trying my best not to cry in front of him. He had always talked about how it was okay to cry, and how that just makes you human. But it was still embarrassing in front of him.

"S-sorry.." I said shakily, my trembling hands going to wipe away my tears.

"Hey." He slowly went to grab my hands with his. I flinched at his touch. His eyes were glossed with sadness. He gently grabbed my wrists, pulling them away from my face. This simple gesture was enough to make the tears in my eyes flow freely, making my face hot with humiliation.

"Listen.. You're gonna come live with me for a while, okay?" He held my hands in his, looking at me with care. I met his eyes, my own red and slightly puffy from trying to repress tears. I slammed my eyes shut and threw my arms around him. He stood up slightly, allowing me to hug him around his waist. I felt him tense up slightly when we made contact, and I felt bad. But I couldn't help it. I felt safest with him.

I let my choked sobs come out freely, and he picked me up bridal style once more as I cried softly.

My exhaustion took over me from the emotional rollercoaster of today, and I was lulled to a dreamless sleep by his breathing.

Ok I know this chapter is so short ;;; but I hope you enjoyed this!

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