Chapter Six - Thank You

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My eyes fluttered open like curtains. My vision blurred from fatigue, I groaned a little. After my eyes had adjusted a bit to the lighting of the strange place I was in, I looked around in muffled confusion.

"Wha... where.. am I...?" I groaned slightly. Once my sight had gone back to relative normalcy, I jumped as I saw Danny sitting in front of me, looking intently.

"GAH!" I yelped, bolting upright and hitting my hand on something hard. I winced and looked at what I had hit it on. It looked like I was on a bed, but I had hit my hand on the metal framing. How I even managed to do that, I have no idea.

He looked at me a little surprised before calming me down as I frantically attempted to get up.

"Hey, hey, hey... Take it easy Y/N. You're okay now, everything is okay." He gently grabbed my hands with his gently. My hands instinctively retreated, but I tried to relax to his touch. He was looking at me deeply. His gaze was serious. I gulped and avoided his stern eyes. I ended up just looking at his hands holding mine.

"I-I can get my grandma to pick me up..." I stuttered, letting go of his hands. He gently, but quickly took my hands in his again. His slender hands stroked mine. I looked at them as a fuzzy feeling welled up in my chest cavity.

"If you're more comfortable that way, I won't stop you. But... I want you to stay here. Even if it's just for a day or two. You've been on one hell of a ride." He said gently, gliding his thumbs over my fingers. I sighed, feeling guilty.

"Listen.. I'm really sorry." I said, my throat tightening already.

"I just met you... I barely know you as a real person. I've only ever seen the person on the screen that you portray, and I don't really know if that's you. We only really met today. You don't know me, and I've dragged you into all this drama... And now I've imposed on your home." I looked to him with glassy eyes, my throat threatening to explode as I feebly attempted to keep my composure. He looked back at me with saddened eyes, his hands still gently caressing mine.

"Y/N... Listen to me." He said with care, his hands still gliding against mine. It was a calming motion.

"I know I barely know you. I know we've only met today. But you're still a person. Maybe even more. And I cannot thank or repay you enough for your support. But I want to help." He explained, keeping things cut and dry. I looked down again, not wanting to cry in front of him again. He let go of my hands and moved them to my face. He reclined my face to meet his.

"It's okay to cry. I will not judge you." He said softly. Warm tears slipped down my cheeks as he returned to caressing my hands. I didn't want to hug him again, since I know that he gets scared when people he doesn't trust do. So I just sat there, his hands tangled with mine, and cried.

-A while later-

I sat on the floor, scrolling through my phone as Danny took a shower. I read the clock. It was 7:00 PM. I looked around me. We hadn't eaten dinner yet. Getting up from my place on the floor, I walked over to a small but fancy looking kitchen. Opening the stainless steel fridge, I looked at the available ingredients. Suddenly, I got an idea.

"Oh, this is going to be fun~"

-Some more time later-

"Y/N, can I open my eyes yet?" Danny chuckled as I lead him out to the small dining room.

"Nooo~ not yet! We're almost there!" I giggled, leading him by the hand. He smiled softly as I sat him down in a chair.

"Okay~! You can open your eyes now!" I said excitedly. He opened his eyes slowly to reveal a large plate of homemade waffles and fresh fried chicken strips. On the side, there was maple syrup and strawberries with a London Fog.

If the 🥺 emoji could be drawn into a person's face, that is what his expression would have looked like.

"Chicken and waffles? For me?" He said, his voice getting higher. I giggled shyly.

"Yeah... I was gonna make you creme brulee too, but I didn't want to make it without you. I also realized it was getting late." I said softly, scratching the back of my neck.

He smiled brightly.

"Thank you so much!" He said eagerly, salivating over the food I made him.

I laughed and exclaimed;


We both laughed at my cruddy impression if the meme. I sat down at the opposite end if the table and we started eating.

He folded a chicken strip into a waffle and poured syrup on it. Taking a bite, his almond eyes shot open in disbelief as he chewed. I followed suit, hoping that it didn't taste bad.

"Woah... Is this all made from scratch?" He asked. I giggled slightly. He sort of looked like those anime characters with stars in their eyes when they're excited.

"Yeah... I hope you don't mind me using some dishes." I said cautiously, hoping that I didn't make him upset. He looked at me with fascinated eyes.

"This is amazing!! I don't mind at all. Where did you learn to cook??" He said, taking another bite with a nom.

"My grandma!" I laughed, taking a small bite of my own food, "Oh, but to ease any concern, I unloaded and loaded the dishes as well. So I didn't make a mess."

He looked at me with awe. I shifted in my chair uncomfortably, thinking that I crossed over a line.

"You even did dishes?! I should take in cute strangers into my apartment more often...!" He said, shocked. Not shocked enough to stop eating though.

I couldn't help but smile.

"I just wanted to say thank you... In my own way. This is pretty much the only thing I'm good at, so I'm just glad you like it." I said softly, sipping some plain Victorian Earl Grey tea with a touch of honey.

"I love it. Thank you. Really." He said, taking a sip of his own drink. His eyes widened once more as he tasted the liquid.

"You really do just keep surprising me..." He muttered, a small trace of pink being detected on his cheeks.

"Extra lavender, no vanilla... Just how I like it."

I smiled softly.

"Yes. I remember." I said softly, a blush forming across my cheeks. It was embarrassing how much I had paid attention to his interests, or even just simple things... Like his favorite drink and food.

He looked at me and smiled gently, his blush be coming more evident. My eyes widened as I looked down, flustered. How can one person be so damn cute...?!

We ate and talked together, just like the night before.

I once again hoped that this moment could be stilled in time for me to put in a locket.

And cherish forever.



THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT OMFG 😭😭 I'm sorry this chapter took so long to come out ;-; more chapters are coming!! I really hope you enjoyed!

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