Chapter Three - Date Night

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We sped along the crowded city streets in comfortable silence. I liked the silence. I've never liked loud noises, so it had always been calming for things to be quiet. The sound of the car engine just made things even better. I smiled to myself softly.

Looking over to Danny, he had one hand on the wheel while the other rested on the storage compartment in between us. He had taken off his trench coat before he started driving, so his arms were showing. He was fit, and his arm muscles were defined and graceful. His side profile... I couldn't help but stare. I looked down at myself, straightening my back. I had gotten self conscious of my belly and thighs.

He was so beautiful...

"Hey, what's wrong?" Danny asked, his eyes still focused on the road. I panicked slightly, trying to come up for a reason for my shift in demeanor.

"A-ah.. It's nothing, haha~! My back just gets sore easily when I have bad posture... " I reasoned, giving him a feeble smile. He chuckled a bit, looking at me from the side.

I can see why people are easily intimidated by him. Beauty is VERY INTIMIDATING.

"You're not a very good liar~" He said, humming a bit. My face flushed at his flirtatious tone.

"Haha~ Why do you think I would be lying?" I said as evenly as I could. He sighed slightly and smiled as he put his eyes back on the road.

"You were staring at me. And you got self conscious, am I right?" He said smoothly, making me look away almost instantly.

"I honestly don't know why you would be insecure. You are a very beautiful person." Nervousness seeping into his voice whilst complementing me. It was actually kind of cute...

"W-well! Speak for yourself! I j-just... I think you are really attractive as well, and yes... I got... Uh.. A little self conscious." I explained, blushing as I complemented him back. He laughed a bit, lightening the nervous atmosphere.

"There is no need to feel self conscious around me. We are all human, and we are all special and beautiful in our own way." He said thoughtfully, reminding me of how passionate he can get while talking. That glimmer in his eyes that shines like little stars when he's excited. It was always fun to watch him discuss... Well anything really. I loved listening to him ramble and rant when he did.

Dang... Creepy much? I didn't realize I paid so much attention to his small habits and quirks. It feels like I've known him for a lifetime, but he only sees me as a stranger..

I shook my head from my thoughts and looked out the window. Looking at my reflection, I started to pick apart my looks as well in sheer nervousness of being around him.

My eyelashes are a bit off... I don't have any glue though... One eye has a bit more eyeliner than the other... Is it the left? No, the right... Wait I can't tell... Something's off though... Waterline? A little diluted... Ugh... I look a wreck... Am I sweating? Fuck, not now... I can't wipe my forehead, otherwise he'll think I'm a sweaty, unhygienic-

"Hey. You're still tense."

My over thinking was interrupted by Danny breaking the silence. He sighed in amusement slightly and lifted his arm up from off the storage compartment in between us. I looked at him, confused.

"Give me your hand."

His voice wavered slightly in anticipation. My face flushed completely, making me look like a strawberry. I felt my heart beating so hard that I was afraid he might hear it. My ears felt hot...

"A-ah... Um... Okay.." I stuttered, my palms becoming even sweatier. I discreetly wiped them on my skirt and put my arm under his. His arm lowered to mine and our fingers intertwined.

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