Chapter Two - Danny?!

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"Y/N. That's a pretty name." Danny smiled. My face flushed as I looked away from the beaming ray of sunlight beside me.

"Thank you.. Y-you have a nice name as well." I stuttered, cringing at my stutter. What was this, a fanfiction on Wattpad?! I shook my head slightly, looking at him. He was looking at me. We both made eye contact and quickly looked away. We looked at the endless field in front of us. Wildflowers speckled the ground in full bloom, making it seem more alive.

"So... What are you doing out here at this hour? Nobody ever comes out here this early." Danny questioned, cracking his fingers like Kaneki Ken. I smiled a bit, knowing that it became a habit for me to crack my fingers that way as well.

"Well... I was wanting to work somewhere else today other than my dorm," I explained shyly, "but I quickly realized I couldn't focus so I just decided to take the day off." I sighed. Picking up a vibrant violet flower from beside me, I twirled it in my fingers nervously. I worked up the courage to look at him again. My eyes slowly trailed over to his face. His eyes were closed, and it seemed that he was just enjoying the weather.

His hair was in his normal middle part, and it blew softly in the breeze. The sun colored his skin in a golden tint. He was breathtaking. I felt my heartbeat speed up, but I couldn't look away. He smiled softly, still enjoying the moment. His jewelry threw little beams of light that reflected off of it. I heard him inhale deeply. With the flowers behind him, he could be on the cover of a magazine like this...

Suddenly, he looked over at me. My face flushed again, and I quickly looked away, but I felt his eyes continue to trail on me. I heard him chuckle a bit. Looking at him, he had closed his eyes again.

"Listen, since this was a bit of an awkward encounter, let me get you dinner tonight." He smiled warmly, looking at me once more. I smiled nervously back to him.

"Sure. I don't have any plans, so I'm down." I said smoothly, trying to hide the shock in my voice. He took out his phone and pulled up his number. Realizing what was happening, I quickly took out my phone as well. We exchanged phones and typed in our numbers. I gingerly gave him his phone back. In the process, his thumb gently glided against my palm, making my face flush again slightly. He gave me back my phone while making eye contact. I couldn't hold it. I looked down to his hands that held my phone. He calmly set my phone in my hand, and let go.

"Okay. I'll pick you up at 7 then?" He asked. I nodded, still not being able to look up. He chuckled again, and I heard him get up. I did the same, looking at him.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, even if it was under kinda weird circumstances." He said apologetically. I shook my head with a smile.

"No, you're fine. I think it just scared me if anything." I comforted awkwardly, my feet shifting timidly. He looked at me with his brown eyes. I looked back. We sort of just stood there, looking at each other's eyes, as if we were both trying to find some hidden code within the other that would be revealed in their eyes.

He held his hand out to shake mine. I gently accepted. He held my hand in his with such care, as if I were going to break if he squeezed too tightly. My heartbeat sped up as he looked at me intently. I laughed a bit and let go, feeling incredibly shy.

"I'll see you tonight then." He said, walking away. My body wanted to run after him, to jump on his back like a lemur and never let go. I wanted to tell him how much I appreciated him, and how long I've wanted to meet him.

But I didn't.

I didn't want to make things weird.

I watched as his silhouette faded away as he walked back into the now busy streets.

Did that... Really just happen?

- After That -

"AAAAAAAH GOD DAMN IT" I yelled, throwing myself into my pillows, screaming. My face was red as a cherry from the events of the day.

Should I ditch the invite, and say something came up?! NO! This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Wait, but what if he really just felt bad and he's doing this as a friend?! Fuck. FUCK. FUCK!! IM SO SCREWED!

I screamed into my pillows once more. I snatched my phone, checking the time.

5:30 PM.

I groaned, complex emotions flowing through my veins like fire. I didn't know what to do. I basically got asked out by my IDOL. I know a lot about him, but I didn't want him to realize I was a fan. He wouldn't date a hardcore fan... Right?! He might just think I'm a creep...

I jumped out of my bed, making my decision.

"I'm going!" I declared, trying to muster up some sort of fake courage. I took a shower quick as a flash, did my hair in elegant curls, and did my makeup. I realized I had accidentally gone a bit heavy, which made me overthink and made me feel even more insecure than I was. I took a deep breath and walked over to my wardrobe.

I had two styles I could go for. I could go for a more mature, hardcore look, or I could go for a cute, pastel look.

I didn't want to scare him off right away, so I chose cute.

I slipped on a pink and blue oversized knit dress that had hello kitty in the center. It read "Touch me, and I'll cut you" surrounded by bows and cute pastel knives. I then grabbed some pink thigh highs with some white platform mary janes. As the finishing touch, I put on dangling earrings that read "CRYBABY". I took a once over look in the mirror, deciding that I looked okay.

I checked the time again.

6:55 PM.

I sighed. I had made it on time. I had given Danny my address through text almost right after he left. Sticking my earbuds in, I grabbed my purse and mask again, waiting outside of the dorms. I blasted a sea shanty to try to give me some sense of security.

It had only been a few minutes before a sleek black car came down the road, stopping in front of me. I pulled out my earbuds in case it was him. As I had hoped, Danny stepped out of the car, making my eyes widen in amazement. He was wearing a brown trench coat with a loose black shirt and dress pants. He had on the same shoes as before. His hair was slicked back like it was in the stream the night before.

My face flushed as his own eyes widened as he saw me. I saw a soft shade of pink grace his cheeks, and he smiled.

"Shall we, Y/N?" He cooed pleasantly, walking around the car and opening the door for me. I awkwardly jogged to the car, not making eye contact. I sit down in the car, tucking in my legs so I didn't crowd him when he came back. He closed the car door, and walked around the car himself. Everything smelled like cinnamon rolls.

"I guess he really does like vanilla and cinnamon..." I mumbled to myself, smiling softly.

"Huh? Did you say something?" He suddenly was sat beside me. My face flushed immediately, and I tried to come up with an excuse. He looked at me, confused.

"Well- ah, um.. Well you see- it was like this, um... I just... I-I really like vanilla and cinnamon.." I stuttered profusely, only causing me to become more red. I looked down to my feet, flustered.

"S-sorry..." I mumbled.

He laughed. I looked at him, panicked. Did I do something wrong? Oh shit...

"You're so cute. I'm glad you like it." He said, still laughing a bit. I was dumbfounded. Did... Danny just call me cute??

"I was thinking of going to a sushi place downtown. Is that okay?" He asked, still looking at me with a soft smile. I nodded, smiling back slightly.

"Yeah... I'm okay with that."


Okay so I'm sorry for taking so long on this chapter :(( Mental health said ahaha *-Bye~-* so I kinda took a break. I hope you enjoyed this!

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