Chapter Four - Uh Oh...

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It was late. Danny and I had been laughing and eating for hours. I was afraid that I couldn't stomach another bite...

"Hey Danny?" I asked. He looked at me, stopping his train of thought.

"Yeah?" He asked, taking a sip of a Cabernet he ordered us. I sipped with him.

"It's getting late. I should be getting home.. " I looked at my watch sadly. It read 10:20 PM.

He looked at me, slightly disappointed. I smiled apologeticly, getting up from my seat. He followed suit, and he stuck out his arm for me to grab once again. I blushed slightly as I took his arm in my hands once more. We walked out of the restaurant together. He opened the door for me and walked to the car with me.

Suddenly, he stopped. I looked at him, confused.

"You know what? How about we go to a nearby park and go stargazing?" He asked, turning to me. He placed his soft hand on my cheek softly, his eyes full of longing.

"I don't want to let you go yet." He said, his dark carmel eyes smothering mine. I blushed, pressing his hand into my face with my own. It was so warm and soft... The truth was that I didn't ever want to leave.

"Sure. Let's go." I said quietly, flustered by his boldness. He smiled at me and opened the car door for me. He let himself in and started driving. It had not been five minutes before we arrived at out destination.

"Let's go, darling." He said, opening the door for me. I looked at him, a bit shocked that he had transitioned to his British Accent. I meekly took his hand and followed him out to the grassy park. I suddenly stopped and laughed. He looked at me knowingly.

"Why did you take me back to where we met?" I asked in between giggles.

He looked at me with that sparkle in his eyes that he gets when he's excited. I watched his emotions run through his eyes. It seems likes such a simple thing. A slight glimmer or the way his eyes dart around slightly. I had watched those amber eyes for so long through a screen, but now they were boring into my skull will great interest. I had always liked the childlike joy he could portray through his eyes.

"I always thought that at night is when this park is most beautiful." He said, his smooth accent making me flustered. He smiled and sat on the hard ground, gesturing me to sit next to him. I obeyed simply and we both layed on our backs and stared at the twinkling stars above us. I thought about today and chuckled a bit. I had met my idol and gone on a date with him all in one day. It all felt so unreal.

"Have you ever wondered what's really out there? In the galaxy?" Danny said, his eyes practically sparkling like an anime girl. The way the stars reflected in his eyes were just so gorgeous, it made me nearly forget where I was.

"Y-yeah... I have. I like to think that the stars are just fireflies that flew too high and got stuck in the atmosphere." I said, looking back up at the sky, letting my mind fill with wonder.

"Was that a Lion King reference?" Danny laughed, still facing the sky. I laughed with him.

"Whaaat~? How did you know??" I said sarcastically. We both laughed in the darkness. He looked at me, catching my attention. I looked back, a light blush coming across my cheeks. His face became both puzzled and concentrated. I smiled softly. He was thinking.

"You know, you know almost everything about me, but I don't know a lot about you." He finally said. Surprised, my eyes widened slightly. He looked at me inquisitively with his russet eyes. I looked back.

"So... What about you? What do you think about the world right now?" He asked curiously, his voice shifting to his natural tone.

"Haha, that's pretty broad~" I laughed. He chuckled a bit as well. I sighed and looked at the sky again.

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