Chapter Eight - A Fairytale

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- In the morning -

My eyes felt glued shut as I begrudgingly cracked them open, letting in the glaring morning sun. I was just about to shift myself slightly when I felt two arms wrapped around me. My eyes snapped in front of me to see that I had my hands gently placed on Danny's chest, his arms wrapped around me in a hug.

I froze for a moment, not knowing what to do. My face flushed as I saw his gentle face. He was still sleeping peacefully. His features looked so soft. His steady breathing made my heartbeat quicken as I stared at his sleeping figure, enchanted. I found myself going to carefully caress his face, but I caught myself and quickly retracted my hands in embarrassment. I saw his lips curl into a smile. My face flushed as I heard him chuckle and open one eye teasingly.

Was he awake that whole time-?!

"Going for me in my sleep huh? How old fashioned~" He said in a hoarse voice, making my face go red.

Not wanting him to see my embarrassed face, I pushed my head into his chest where my hands were. I sighed and gripped his shirt as I pulled myself closer, trying to calm myself down.

I heard his heartbeat quicken for a fleeting moment as I did this. Hearing him chuckle again, he also held me closer as he softly pet my head, making me feel all fuzzy inside again.

"W-we should probably get up..." I mumbled quickly, feeling incredibly shy. He sighed a bit and let me go as I sat up, still covering my reddened face. He suddenly got behind me and hugged me, making me yelp.

"Danny-?" I asked warily as he rested his head in the crook of my neck. My heart was beating so fast, and I felt my ears heat up. He groaned a bit, staying silent for a minute.

"Can we just stay like this...?" He asked, sleepiness still thick in his voice. I looked at a small clock he had on his nightstand.

8:00 AM.

I looked in slight disbelief as I had gotten up so early. My moment of shock was quickly overpowered by feeling Danny gently take my face in his hand. He turned my head to look at his still half sleeping face. I looked at him, too tired to protest. Instead, I simply enjoyed the violent butterflies that attacked my stomach as he stared at my blushing face.

His eyes were just so beautiful. I felt his breath on my face. We were so close together. We inched closer together. Our noses were touching.

Suddenly, he backed up.

"A-ah.. I- I'm sorry, um..." I stuttered, my face becoming red with embarrassment. His face also became slightly red as he looked away from me, his hand going up to his face to cover it.

I quickly stood up and went to my room without another word, that little scene leaving me speechless. I grabbed a towel and went to take a shower, doubting that I could sleep now that that had happened.


I dried my hair gently and looked in the mirror. My face was still slightly pink from this morning. I groaned and put my head in my hands.

"I'm seriously obsessed... It's kinda unhealthy. I've only known him for a little over three weeks dammit!" I scolded myself. I took a deep breath and got dressed, walking out of the bathroom. It was Saturday, so we didn't have anything to do. Danny had to do a DND stream with, but that's it. And that wasn't until later. I walked up to Danny's room and knocked on the door.

"Hey Danny?" I called.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Can I come in?"


I opened the door gently, still feeling weird addressing him so casually. He was sitting on his bed with a Mountain Dew to wake him up. I stood in front of the door, not wanting to move any closer.

"Do you want to do something today?" I asked bashfully. He looked at me, more awake now.

"Yeah, sure... But um, listen, about this morning-" He began, cutting himself off. I listened intently.

"I'm sorry about that... If it made you uncomfortable in any way, I'm super sorry." He apologized. I took a deep breath, working up the courage to be honest.

"Don't apologize." I said bluntly. He looked at me, surprised.

"I.. I liked it." I said quietly, turning my face away. I looked at my feet as silence rang through my ears.

What an interesting floor... Nice carpet.

I suddenly heard him get up. Looking up, I saw him standing in front of me now. He looked at me with intense eyes and I looked back, blushing. He pulled me in by my waist and I put my arms around him as well. We looked at each other.

"I know this is a bit fast... But may I.. May I kiss you?" My heartbeat sped up and my face flushed as he said those words.

My voice betraying me, I nodded softly, my eyes not leaving his. Our faces both inched closer to each other in movie like slow motion, our noses gently brushing against each other. I felt his lips brush against mine ever so slightly, making me flinch at the unfamiliar touch. His hands shifted from my waist to the back of my neck. He gently and carefully pushed my head into his.

Our lips locked together as what felt like fireworks exploded in my body. My eyes closed as he pushed my head slightly deeper as we kissed. It was passionate, safe, and it lit a fire in my stomach. My heart was beating so quickly, I was afraid it was going to stop.

He pulled away from me as we both looked at each other. He shifted his hand from the back of my neck to the front, putting his finger on my pulse. My face flushed and my pulse quickened at his actions, making him laugh ever so slightly. I knew exactly what he was doing, and so did he.

"It seems as if your heart is racing, darling~" He teased, slipping into his British accent. My heart quickened even more, making him smirk at me. My heart couldn't take much more of this.

"S-so.. Uhm.. What are we?" I stuttered, his hand still resting on my pulse.

His face got closer to mine again as his hand held me by the chin this time.

"It's okay if this is too fast... But your boyfriend if you would like."

I looked at him in shock.

Danny...? Boyfriend?!

He saw my look of shock and sighed, beginning to let me go. I quickly held him close to me before he could let go of me completely.

"W-wait! I um.. I-I was just," I hesitated, "Are you sure you're okay with this? I don't want to hop into this without thinking about it.."

He smiled at me and pecked me gently on the lips. It was sweet and soft.

"I know it's fast, but... You just feel right. I don't know, it just feels.. Right." He said, looking at me with adoring eyes. I felt glad that he was so comfortable with me. My face flushed at his gaze.

"I feel the same. I... I want to be yours." I said. He smiled and hugged me.

"I'm so glad..." He said, happiness in his voice. I felt him smiling as I did the same.

We shared another kiss as my heart rejoiced in full, wholehearted euphoria.







Thank you guys so much for all the support. And thank you Danny for reading this!! It seriously meant the world to me.

Also hi yes I'm not dead-

I didn't upload to this story for so long ;-; I'm sorry

✨ but I'm back muahaha ✨

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