Chapter Seven - No Longer Alone

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It had been over three weeks since the incident with my ex - "boyfriend". If you can even call him that.

I've stayed with Danny the whole time.

Every time I told him I was overdoing my stay, he insisted that he didn't mind, but to do whatever made me most comfortable. I went to go see my grandma a lot after I packed my stuff from the old apartment and practically moved in. Turns out he had a small spare room he never used which was a lucky find.

My grandma was originally worried about if I had a place to stay, or if I was continuing college. I told her I was staying with a friend, and I was dropping out. Normally she would protest about the dropping out, but after hearing everything I've gone through in the past year in Jack and I's relationship, she kept quiet. I went to her house for lunch every day without fail.

While I've been living with Danny, I was able to get back into cosplaying. I also caught a job at a diner. So, I started paying rent, and we thought of each other as roommates rather than seeing my stay as hospitality. I also did most of the cleaning in the house to show my gratitude.

We would watch Black Butler and Jujutsu Kaisen together. I had seen Black Butler countless times because it was one of my favorite animes, but surprisingly I had never seen Jujutsu Kaisen. I already knew Danny was obsessed with it, and so I didn't mind watching it with him almost every night.

When we watched anime together, we would sit next to each other on his bed in his room with a large Yuji blanket he received in his PO box. I would buy snacks and he would buy drinks, though both of us normally settled for water or mountain dew.

Tonight was the same as the Friday nights before.

I was in the kitchen, making dinner for the both of us. Tonight's menu was homemade smash burgers with hand cut Joey Fries. I hummed a soft tune as I flipped the burger patties and cut up some lettuce. Ever since I made Danny dinner that night three weeks ago, he had loved my cooking and wanted to learn how to cook from me. I thought it was ridiculous at first because I knew he could cook already; at least to an extent. But I wasn't about to turn down a helping hand in the kitchen. He was always so eager to help. It was endearing.

The only reason he wasn't here this time was because he was streaming, per the usual. I had put the stream on my phone while I cooked and connected my bluetooth headphones, watching him talk with his fans. I chuckled as I finished chopping up the toppings for the burgers.

It all still felt like a dream. For two years, I had been on this side of the screen, never knowing who he is. Seeing him interact wit his fans, but never to me specifically. Never imagining meeting him in real life.

And yet, here I was, just a wall separating us.

I blushed slightly as a giddy feeling rose in my core. I put all of the burgers, condiments, toppings, and buns on the counter and did dishes. Checking the time, the clock read 11:01 pm.

"Right on time." I mumbled to myself proudly. It was really late for dinner, but it was a Friday. Danny and I normally stayed up late.

I heard his bedroom door click, and my head perked up in anticipation as butterflies rattled in my ribs. Despite living with him for a little over three weeks, it was still intimidating and exciting seeing him. Only, not intimidating as in scary. Intimidating as in.. Seeing a tiger for the first time at a zoo. Even though you know you are completely safe, the beauty of its' very existence makes your heart pound.

"Oh, Y/N!" He greeted as he walked out of his room. He had been wearing a dress shirt and his harness in the stream, but now he was dressed in a casual sweater and sweatpants. He still had smeared eyeliner on, making his eyes glow like a cat. He didn't even have his Cat Noir eye contacts in, but his brown eyes still seemed to smolder like a log on fire.

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