Kimora's POV
"The Prosecution calls Kimora Heath to the stand."
"About motherfucking time." I mumble then I stand up and approach the stand.
Today's the day of Kyra and I's Kidnapper's trial and since the trial takes place during April National team camp, the national team is here to support me.
Once at the stand, I wait for the bailiff.
"Please raise your right hand." Someone says.
I do as told.
"Do you solemnly swear that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" The bailiff asks.
"I do."
"You may be seated."
I sit down on the stand then wait for the prosecution lawyer.
"Kimora can you state your name for the record." The lawyer lady says.
"Kimora Jade Heath." I say. "But at the time of everything involving this trial my name was Kimora Jade Douglas."
"Why was your last name changed?"
"My twin and I were adopted after we were told we'd have to be in foster care."
"Thank you." The prosecution lawyer says. "When did you meet the defendant?"
"I met her at the funeral of my mothers' funeral in 2014 then she squirmed her way into my father's heart and unfortunately they ended up getting married." I say.
"Did you like the defendant?"
"Well she married my father because he was rich, she forced myself and Kyra to call her Mom, and she killed my Mom's." I say. "So no...I hate that bitch."
"OBJECTION." The defense lawyer shouts. "There is no evidence to backup the murder claim."
"Yes there is." I say. "One, I gave the evidence to the prosecution and I assume they submitted it into evidence."
"We did." The prosecution lawyer says.
"And two, I saw her murder my mother's, but because I was a child, and probably because I was black, the LAPD didn't believe me when I told them who murdered my mom's." I say.
"Counselor your client has murder charges against her for the two murders in 2014." The judge says. "You should have been better prepared...Objection overruled."
"Can you tell us what happened when you were kidnapped and held hostage?" The prosecution lawyer asks.
"Our Dad was a Pilot in the Air Force from 1990 to the end of 2016 when he passed away in his sleep from an aneurysm." I say. "The defendant couldn't handle the fact that all her money and fame was going to me and my sister so she turned to her three best friends which are Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, and Captain Morgan."
"You're doing great." Kyra mouths
"Every night after the funeral the defendant got drunk and every night she had uncontrollable rage that she apparently needed to take out on somebody so she takes it out on us." I say. "She punched, smacked, kicked, cut, and verbally abused us until we pass out then the whole cycle starts over whenever we woke up and whenever she woke up from her hangover."
"This happened nightly?" The prosecution asks.
"More like 24/7." I says. "We weren't allowed out of the house."
"When'd you escape?" The prosecution lawyer asks.
"August of was the first time we'd been outside since the funeral." I say then the prosecution enters a shit ton of evidence into the court

FanfictionKimora is 17 and her life has taken a turn for the worse ever since she lost her Parents. Her father's second wife has become abusive and hasn't let her or her sister out of the house in five years. One day it gets to be to much and the twins run a...