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Kimora's POV

"Alright." I say as I buckle my twins snowboarding helmet. "You know what you need to do so just go out, throw some sick shit down, and get through to the medal round."

Today is the first day of Kyra's Olympic Snowboard competition and I get to be her coach.

Right now is her first of two runs in the Preliminary rounds.

"You got it." Kyra says then I pick up Simba.

"Give Mama some Kisses." I say then Simba licks Kyra's face.

"Thanks." Kyra says then I put Simba on the ground.

Once Simba's on the ground, I wipe off Kyra's face, kiss her nose, then pull up her face mask.

Kyra chuckles then she tighten's her feet into her board.

"You may begin." One of the Olympic people say.

Kyra nods and fist bumps me then she begins her run.

"Come on Ky." I mumble as my twin drops into the half pipe.

Over the next minute Kyra does 7 tricks flawlessly.

At least they're flawless in my eyes.

"That's my twin." I mumble when Kyra finishes.

After Kyra finishes we wait a few seconds then her score is revealed.

"89.75." I mumble. "Not bad."

After Kyra's score is revealed, Simba, Nala, and I head back into the waiting area and relax.

"She did good on her first run." Chloe Kim says.

"She did." I say as Nala and Simba jump into my lap then I look at Kyra's friend. "I'm gonna bet you two win gold and silver."

"We'll see." Chloe says then she gets up to do her run.

Moments later my favorite snowboarder sits down next to me.

"That was a good run." I say as Simba jumps into his Mama's lap.

"It was." Kyra says. "You know Nala and Simba look really cute in their jackets."

The USA Olympic people had special insulated puffy jackets made for Nala and Simba that protect against the cold.

"They really do." I say then Nala yips. "Yes we're talking about you and your boyfriend."

Nala smiles then she nuzzles my hand so I scratch her head while chatting to my twin.

Eventually it's time for Kyra's last run so we head to the top of halfpipe.

Once at the top area, I take Simba's leash from my twin then I help her get set.

"Ready?" I ask once we're done.

Kyra nods so I kiss her nose then she begins her run.

A minute later Kyra finishes her run then we wait for her score.

"At least she's already through." I say when Kyra's score of 70.56 pops up.

"Would you like a ride down?" Some dude on a snowmobile asks.

"Yes please." I say.

"Hop on." The dude says so I get on the back of the snowmobile.

Once I'm on the snowmobile I hold on tight to the puppies and relax the whole way down the halfpipe.

"Thank you." I say when we stop.

"Of course." The dude says then I get off and head over to my twin.

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