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Kimora's POV

"Thank you." I say as I get out of my Uber.

"Anytime." The Uber says then I shut the door and head into the apartment building.

Once in the Apartment building I take the elevator up to the floor I was told to go to then, when I get to said floor, I head down to the apartment I'm supposed to go to and knock on the door.

"Hey Kimora." Kelley says as she opens the door.

"Hi Kelley." I say then I step inside.

"Christen's in her room."

"And where's that?" I ask.

"Follow me." Kelley says then she leads me to Christen's room.

As we're walking we pass by a room that I notice has a shit ton of beer cans and beer bottles laying in it. 

"This is it." Kelley says then she disappears into the room full of beer cans.

"Well then." I mumble then I knock on Christen's door.

"Come in." My adoptive Mom says then I open the door.

"Hi." I say.

"Kimora." Christen says with a smile then she hugs me making me smile.

Christen gives good hugs.

"How was the flight?"

"It was good." I say then I notice all the boxes. "Looks like you've been busy."

"I wanted to come home as soon as I could." Christen says. "Can your jet hold all this?"

"Yeah." I say. "How are we getting back to the airport?"

"Corsie's driving us." Christen says.

I nod then I help my adoptive mom carry her belongs down to what I assume is Corsie's Car.

After a couple hours we have everything packed so Corsie drives us to the airport.

We stopped mid packing to have lunch. 

Once at the airport Corsie pulls in to the VIP entrance then she drives into the hangar I parked my plane.

"Nice plane." Corsie says.

"Thanks." I say then we all get out and load the plane.

Once the plane is loaded up, Christen hugs her teammate as I do my pre flight checks then she gets on board and heads to the cock pit. 

"Did you have the controls on this side removed?" Christen asks as she sits in the other pilots chair.

"Yeah." I say. "Now whoever sits there can sleep or stretch out and relax next to me without worrying about hitting anything."

"Cool." Christen says then she sits in silence so I can do my thing to get us from the hangar to the runway.

"Flight November 624 you are clear for takeoff." One of the air traffic controllers says as I wait on the tarmac.

"Hang on." I say then I takeoff down the runway.

Once at the correct speed I lift off into the air then start flying to Portland.

"Alex wanted you to have that." I say and hand Christen an envelope once we're at cruising elevation.

Christen takes the envelope then she opens it to reveal a picture.

"Aww." Christen says. "She's such a pretty pregnant woman."

Christen show me the photo of Pregnant Alex causing me to smile then I frown.

"What's wrong?" Christen asks making me sigh.

"Everytime I see a pregnant woman it always makes me sad because it reminds of the fact I can't have kids." I say. "The woman who held us hostage had an army doctor come over and force us to have vasectomy's.

"That woman seriously needs to be locked away forever." Christen says.

I think she needs to be pushed out of an airplane with no parachute, but I'm not gonna share that little detail.

"But you know you can always adopt." Christen says.

"If my soulmate even wants me." I say.

"Kimora you are a beautiful young woman who's strong, independent, and a woman myself, Alex, and Tobin are proud to call our daughter." Christen says. "You're soulmate or soulmates are going to love you for who you are."

"If I ever meet my soulmates." I mumble.

"You will." Christen says.

That's enough of that conversation.

"You should probably text Tobin or Alex and tell them we'll be in Portland around 4." I say.

"This plane has wifi?" Christen asks.

"Mhmm." I say.

"Sweet." Christen says then she takes out her phone, connects to the wifi, and texts one or both of her wives.

After Christen texts one or both of her wives, she lays her seat down and sleeps while I fly the plane.

A couple hours later Portland comes into sight so I make radio contact with the PDX air traffic controllers then I continue talking with them until I get the all clear to land.

"November 624 you are cleared to land runway 28 lima." One of the Portland air traffic controllers says.

"Cleared to land runway 28 lima, November 624." I say then I begin the descent process.

"Are we landing?" Christen mumbles as she wakes up.

"In about five minutes." I say as I focus.

Christen nods then she leans her seat up and sits quietly as I land.

"Touchdown." I mumble when the wheels hit the tarmac then I apply the brake. 

Once the plane is slowed done to 20 miles an hour, I turn off the runway then taxi over to the private hangar I rent to store my plane here.

I also have a private hangar rented in LA since that's where the family stays in the off season.

"And park." I say when I stop inside the hangar.

"You're my favorite pilot." Christen says with a smile.

"You're a good co pilot." I say

"All I did was sleep."

"Exactly." I say then I notice Tobin's car driving into the hangar.

"I'll unpack while you do your post flight stuff." Christen says.

I nod then my adoptive mom leaves me alone to do my thing.

A little while later I finish my post flight checklist so I grab all my things, make sure everything is shut off, then I leave the plane and lock it.

"How was the flight?" Tobin asks as she hugs me.

"Good." I say then Kyra hugs me.

"You left without giving me my morning cuddles." Kyra says.

"Sorry Sis." I say then I kiss my twins head. "We can cuddle later."

"Yay." Kyra softly cheers.

"Come on you two." Alex says with a smile. "Let's go home."

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