Icey Trap (Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo)

638 12 3

TW: Blood, Panic Attack, Near Death Experience, Broken Bones

'Text' = thoughts

"Text" = speech

Text = flashback

"Text" = on call (phone)

Text = time skip

Text = extra info/intro

"TEXT" = shouting


"You guys ready to go?" Wilbur asked Tommy and Tubbo, the three of them had decided to go for a walk in the woods together. "You bet!" both of them yelled, Wil smiled and they all left the house. They were all wearing winter clothes since it was snowing pretty hard, Wilbur stayed close to both of them.

1 Hour Later

They hadn't been walking for that long, they stopped every now and then so that Tommy and Tubbo could play in the snow. The temperature suddenly dropped causing Wilbur to look around, "Tubbo, Tommy, come on we need to head back home!" Wil yelled to them, both the boys walked over to Wilbur. "Why the sudden rush?" Tubbo asked, "I think there's a blizzard coming, so we need to get home before we get stuck in it." he explained. 

While they were walking back to the house, the snow under them suddenly fell from under them. Wilbur instinctively pulled both the younger boys close to him to shield them from any damage. All three of them tumbled off a ledge and fell down onto some rocks, Tubbo and Tommy didn't get hurt much due to Wilbur shielding them.

As Tommy recovered from the shock of the fall, he looked over to Wilbur who'd rolled to the side of them. His eyes widened as he looked at his brother. Wil's leg was twisted in a way it wasn't meant to, his arm was trapped under a rock. There was blood coming down over his face from a gash in his head, the ground around him was stained red.

"Wilbur?!" Tommy yelled as he crawled over to his brother, he shook his shoulder. "Tommy, what's going on?" Tubbo asked, "I don't know, but Wilbur's hurt!" he yelled back. Both boys were now next to Wilbur, Tommy kept shaking him. Wilbur groaned as his eyes opened slightly, he looked around, "What happened...?" he asked. "The snow gave out under us so we fell, you took most of the damage from the fall." Tommy explained, Wil tried to sit up but as he moved he yelped. His breathing changed to gasps and his body started shaking slightly, "F-Fuck th-this hurts.." he said between gasps, Tommy helped him into a sitting position. 

"How will we get home?" Tubbo asked, "We'll have to walk, it isn't that far away." Wilbur answered, "But how will YOU get back? You can barely move!" Tommy yelled, his voice breaking at the end. "I can walk, I'll just need a bit of help." Wilbur said calmly, the other two nodded before helping Wilbur to his feet. The second he put pressure on his broken leg, he screamed in pain.

"Careful! Your leg is broken!" Tommy half yelled, Wilbur forced a lopsided smile before they started to walk back.

30 Minutes Later

As they neared the house, Wilbur's body gave into the pain. He collapsed onto the ground and his breathing became quick gasps, "Wil! C'mon we're nearly there." Tubbo encouraged, Wilbur nodded as they helped him up.

"M' tired..." Wil slurred, he didn't have the energy to continue to force himself to move. "I know you are Wil, just hang on a little longer." Tommy said, they all continued walking towards the house.

As they got to the door, Wil collapsed onto the ground. He was panting heavily in an attempt to get oxygen into his lungs, Tubbo quickly opened the door as Tommy held onto Wilbur. "PHIL!! TECHNO!! WE NEED HELP!!" Tubbo screamed into the house, not even a second later he heard quick footsteps coming to the door. "What's wrong?!" Phil asked, Techno was standing behind him. "The snow gave out under us while we were walking and Wilbur got injured!" Tubbo yelled, tears had started falling down his face.

Philza quickly scooped Wilbur up and went inside, Tubbo and Tommy followed close behind. "Techno can you grab the med kit and some hot water?" Phil asked as he set Wil down on the couch, "Yup." he answered as he went to get the stuff.

Tommy and Tubbo never left Wilbur's side, they stayed by him and watched. "Is he gunna be okay?" Tubbo asked quietly, tears were still falling, "He should be fine after he gets some sleep." Phil assured the younger ones. "Did either of you get hurt?" Techno asked as he came back into the room, both of them shook their heads, "Wilbur protected us from the fall." Tommy explained.

After Phil and Techno had gone to bed, Tommy and Tubbo had insisted on staying with Wil. Both of them ended up falling asleep cuddled up to him.


Words: 790

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