Chapter 13: The Time Before Minecraftia! Part 2

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As Briphis gazed upon the strange liquid he held in his hand in amazement and curiosity, he had not noticed Tronity teleport behind him with astonishment in his face.

Tronity had placed a hand onto his brother's shoulder but it was quickly removed when Briphis yanked his shoulder away from his brother and turned towards Tronity with one of the most strangest faces Tronity has ever seen which to this day that face face can be described as... evil.

Tronity had many mixed feelings in him. He felt upset by his brother's previous actions, astonished by Briphis' reaction to what he did and confused as to why he would do that. But out if everything that has happened, he never got mad at his brother, he could never hate his brother, he was the only family he had... left...

Briphis looked dead straight at his brother with his gray eyes and so did Tronity with his brown eyes. Briphis did not feel enraged anymore nor did he feel anyway upset by the fall of his zombie. He had a feeling that would start the first war of Minecraftia that may last to the end of Minecraftia. With the flick of the wrist, Beiphis summoned an army of each of his creations and a couple of new ones too, such as "Enderman" has the ability to teleport and is quite strong, "Silverfish" very small and doesn't hit as hard but if in packs has the ability to kill and "Giant" a bigger variation of the regurlar zombie and is amazingly strong.

Tronity in shocked yet again, not just by his brother's newest creations or by Briphis summoning a large amount of them but it was when Briphis ordered his army to attack the humans. And as he commanded they obeyed, which began the destruction of the first set of humans. Most of the humans tried to run but were killed easily by the archer skeletons and the teleporting endermen, those that stayed to fight were killed by the numerous amount of zombies bombarding them, silverfish eating them from the inside out and spiders cave and regular pounced on them with their deadly bites, giants using their strength and size to destroy the buildings these humans had made and slimes bounced onto their crops, uprooting the plants in the process(which in my opinion, as the writer, wasn't really necessary). This went on until every single human in the area was killed. Briphis felt happy at his actions but Tronity felt different emotions than his brother. He felt... enraged... not towards his brother... but to his brother's actions... so he decided to do something about it!

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