Chapter 16: War Between Brothers!

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"Well..." Herobrine whispered into my ear which caused me to return from my daydream, "Have you decided?"

I regained my senses and stared straight at the white, ominous eyes of the evil that claims to be my brother with a blank expression of deep thought to a cheery smirk.

"Thanks for the offer, but I have no intention of joining you and your army or conquering the over world and aether." I replied which caused the being before me to drop a frown at my statement which he followed up by turning his back on me and walking a few paces away.

"I see..." He said following up with a deep sigh, "Why did you reject my offer? You could have been the ruler of not just one world but three with a massive army that can tremble the hearts of billions, why not accept it?"

"Its because I have a couple of people at home I promised I would protect and fight for as long as I am alive." I answered reminiscing of the fun times I had with the girls but was abruptly interrupted by a sharp pain piercing my abdominal. I look down to see I was stabbed from behind by a golden sword that was now tainted with crimson liquid.

My body trembled, my eyes were wide like the horizon; I slowly turned my head around to see that my attacker was what seemed to be a zombified pig with half of its face melted away. The once delicious breakfast side had now been transformed into a beast with one empty eye socket and the other eye coldly staring at me; it reeked of death and nearly made me puke.

"Well, if you wish to fight with them..." Herobrine started as he turned to me and in almost an instant was in front of me with a wicked smile on his face and an iron blood stained sword high in his hand, "then you have a fight on your hands... brother..."

Herobrine brought the blade down with great force and at the last second, my eyes shot open and I found myself in my bed, with darkness filling the room. I was breathing heavily and sweating vigorously was it from that dream... no, that mental transportation I had. I sat in my bed looking around the room to make sure I was truly home and everything was alright but then my mind clicked when I came to the realization that it was too quiet. I jumped out of bed like a mad man and almost broke my door down for how frightened of what might of happened to the girls.

I jumped from the top of the stair-well and nearly fell on my face. I searched through out the house and to find out that no one besides me was occupying the house. I slumped myself onto the couch and my eyes began to produce a watery liquid which I tried my best to hold back. As I cried in silence, the sound of a door being opened can be heard along with a few voices: very feminine voices. My twisted around in almost an instant and in my field of vision were five familiar girls. My heart had skipped about five beats when I lunged over the couch towards the surprised group with a smile that can light up a Christmas tree on my face.

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