Chapter 21: A spooky monument and new faces?!

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The zombies carried me through the forest for what felt like ten minutes, trodging past numerous oak and birch trees, until jungle trees started appearing.

We have entered a jungle biome, the air is moist even during this time of the night.

Wonder where we are going...

As to answer my question, in the distance, I was able to make out what seemed to have been a structure of some kind. Made of... cobblestone and... mossy cobblestone?

It was a temple, a very old looking temple. This must be where this group of zombies congregate.

As we neared the temple, our pace began to decline until we came to a complete stop. My zombie escorts lowered me down until I was back on the ground again.

The zombies that were wearing armor gestured for me to follow them while the other three scattered into the brush of the jungle.

The outside of the temple was fairly unrecognizable without the aid of the few Redstone torches that littered it's walls. The same came also be said for the inside of the temple, as the entrance had only two Redstone torches to indicate its location with a staircase leading downwards into the temple.

As we made it to the bottom, the sound of many groans and moans from countless zombies echoed throughout the halls of the temple.

I forgot to mention how elaborate this temple really is: from reaching the bottom, you are immediately greated to a large room with similar design to the outside but with obvious wear and tear to the floor from continuous use as well as makeshift chests and broken tools lining the walls; many tunnels are stationed at each wall, each one having the sounds of zombies residing in them.

Before I had a chance to look down one of these tunnels, the zombie wearing the chainmail stepped forward and released a blood curdling screech, causing me to cover my ears to muffle the sound a bit.

After stopping his howl, with the ringing in my ear dying down, the zombie moans from before began to amplify and footsteps followed along with them.

Now let me tell you, I am not that scared of zombies. Yeah they want to devour my flesh and use my bones as tooth picks but they are pretty easy to deal with if you know what you are doing and have the right equipment.

But what I saw... I could NEVER... EVER be prepared to see.

It first started with a hand, a single disembodied hand grasping its way out of one of the tunnels to the right then a zombie huddled out after the hand, lurching downwards to reach for it until another two zomebies came out of that same tunnel and accidentally bumped into him, falling over in the process.

Two more zombies come out of one of the left tunnels, then four more from the tunnel next to that one.

I was able to see into the tunnels in front of me, with some zombies huddling towards us and even some crawling. Their empty, dead eyes seeming to be locked onto me.

They all funneled into the room, like need returning to their hive, stopping only about two blocks away from the chainmail zombie from all directions.

This went on until what I presume to be about thirty zombies in this one room, not even including the ones that couldn't get into the room since there wasn't any room. It was like looking at a massacre in reverse.

When it seemed that the room was completely filled, the chainmail zombie turned and walked towards me, standing to my left with the zombie in leather armor to my right.

All of the zombies, in the deathly state, just stood there. Waiting.

Are they waiting for me to say something?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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