Chapter 19: BS and GS

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I cant believe it... but how can I not... I mean... he is standing right in front of me... or is it I am standing right in front of me... Wait... what? I don't know what to say about this...

"Nothing much to really say about this." He stated or I stated, "Would you stop thinking about it, your giving yourself a headache."

"Who are you?" I asked, unable to think of anything else to say.

The being that mirrored all of my physical features just smiled sheepishly towards me. My senses seemed to have gone numb and it felt difficult to breath a little.

"Is it not obvious?" He asked, taking a step closer so I may get an even better look at him, "I am you."

I was stunned...


Some other word that meant that my mind was totally blank...

How could this person be me?

"Technically I am you but I am just an aspect of you." Myself said, just then, a floating black cloud appeared out of nowhere and he took a seat on it, "To put it plainly, I am just a figment of your imagination, your bad conscience, your evil side."

"But wouldn't that mean you are still Herobrine since me and Herobrine are the same person?" I asked trying to wrap my head around all this.

"That's where you are wrong, Herobrine is solely made up of pure evil whereas I am just one side of your conscience." As he finished his sentence, another bright light appeared next to him and as the light dimmed another look-a-like showed up, "And that is where he comes in to fill in the other half."

"Greetings Steve, if you haven't guessed yet, I am your good conscience." Good Steve said, extending his hand out to me, "I am the side of you that you show quite frequently."

I took his hand awkwardly and shook it. This was beyond just weird: how many people do you know can say they have shook hands with their selves? Twice!

"I would say not many people can say that." Good Steve answered, summoning a white cloud for him to sit on, "Now, you must be wondering why we are here."

"Of course he would be wondering that, we are his mind." Evil Steve stated, shaking good Steve cloud a bit, forcing him to hold on to the edges so he doesn't fall off, "I know you are slow and all but you don't have to be so-!"

Bad Steve didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as he fell off of his cloud onto the ground and good Steve is just sitting there with a smirk on his face.

"You knocked me off!" Bad Steve stated huffing a bit.

"I didn't have anything to do with that, it was all from karma." Good Steve stated with a chuckle to follow up, "Now why don't you get back on your cloud and we can explain to Steve of why we are here."

With his anger subsiding just a bit, Bad Steve replaced himself onto his cloud and stared towards me.

"You already know we are just figments of your imagination to differ good and bad but our official title are Mind Mimics, but you can call me BS-!" BS was cut off as good Steve floated in the front of him.

"Because he is always full of it." Good Steve finished causing BS to push him out of the way.

"Aren't you supposed to be the good one, GS?" BS inquired with a grin growing on his face, "Or are you just salty because you are named after a disease?"

"Lets not dwell on this any longer." GS stated returning their attention to me, "So the reason why we are here is to tell you about your new found powers."

As he finished his sentence, they looked around at the chaos of mobs and animals alike going wild.

"And we can see that you have been having a lot of fun with it." BS said, giving me a thumbs up, "Good job!"

"My new powers?" I questioned the beings in front of me.

"Technically, its more like authority power than anything else." GS continued, "Its the power great rulers of all eras have all acquired, whether to command their army to war or ruling over a colony of obedient followers."

GS floated towards the baby blue bull Ray, who was still in his frozen state.

"Your'e friend here has acquired this power himself but it seems as though you were able to overpower his with yours."

"So what does all of this have to do with you two?" I asked, for which BS raised his hand to answer.

"Whenever you use your authority, whether good or bad, you are using one of us to empower your targets to follow your commands." BS answered floating towards baby pig Wiggy, "Which is why I showed up first."

"But why does it matter which one of you shows up?" I asked.

They both floated away from their previous spots towards me, both of which looked as though they were Judges in a court room.

"I am the good of the conscience: I am famous for the good deeds I commit; I keep calm and think rationally for any decision I make; I give off the sense of safety and courtesy to all that pass by me; I am the embodiment of good for your mind." GS stated.

"I am the bad of the conscience: I am infamous for the treacherous deeds I commit; I anger quite easily and believe there is no time to think rationally for decisions I make; I give off the sense of danger and fear to anyone that opposes me; I am the embodiment of good for your mind." BS stated.

Just then, a bright light appeared behind them which caused me to shield my eyes from the bright rays.

"We are the results of your actions, your thoughts, we are you Steve." Both of them said simultaneously, "We are the power that you use, whether for good or bad. It matters which of us shows up to may you ponder if your choices were your's."

As the light dimmed, I could finally open my eyes only to see that the two beings were gone.

"Remember that we will always be around... Always judging you..." A faint voice stated out of no where.

a I stood there, unsure of what to do next, I had not notice a bunch of angered girls and animals rushing their way towards me

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