Chapter 14: The Time Before Minecraftia! Part 3 (finale of trilogy)

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Tronity rushed away from his brother and stopped infront of the giant mess of red liquid he gave to his humans, he called "blood", placed a hand on the horrific sight and in almost an instant, the blood began to recollect itself into the open wounds and when all of it returned to its place the wound itself began to close up. Within just a few moments the human was breathing swiftly as if he hadn't taken a breath in ages.

Briphis saw this and his previous anger began to return to him as he lunged towards the human, probably going to rip him apart as before. But then Tronity stepped in between the human and Briphis. With anger and confusion in his eyes, he asked his brother why he had gotten into his way. Tronity ansswered that what his brother's motives were wrong to this ideal world they were creating which greatly upsetted Briphis. Just then, the ground beneath Briphis began to change into a mixture of different shades of red and a bright light piercing throughthe cracks of the newly made blocks.

Tronity was astonished by his brother's emense anger, so he knew to save this world from being destroyed from his brother's careless decision, he would have to defeat his brother. And so, the battle between the two powerful beings lasted for four days and four nights until it finally came to an end when Tronity held his brother by his neck, bruises all over their faces. Tronity told his brother that he never wanted any of this to happen but Briphis answered with spitting a wad of blood onto the ground and said I will not be defeated by you... I will become stronger... and when I do... I will kill you... and your human...

In almost an instant, a five high structure appeared out of the ground, it appeared to have been made out of a hard-looking, black block and in the middle of this structure was a swirly purple vortex that made you feel dizzy if you look into it for too long. Briphis was able to free himself from his brother's grip and retreated into this vortex along with the vortex loosing its swirls and the structure returning back down to the ground.

Tronity was tired... but he knew he had alot of work to do to undo his brother's destruction, starting with the human he brought back to life a while ago. He had found him in a structure far off in the distance away from the battle field. The human went out of his house and helped Tronity into his house and placed him onto his wool bed. The human rushed to one of his many chests and took an apple made of gold out, which he procedded to feed Tronity with. Tronity was astonished by this, a mere human knowing all off the skills of crafting and building. Tronity asked the human how he was able to learn all of these skills and the human merely said that he was given the knowledge of his creator when he was brought back to life. After Tronity had regianed his power, along with the human, procedded to rebuild the the human race.Days turned to months and months turned to years and in those years the human race has spread acrossed this blocky world plentifully. The humans have built amazing structures that are able to scrape th boundaries of the sky and scratch the surface of bedrock. They built many machines that can living in this blocky world much easier with the power of a blood red dust and have also built structures that help improve the skills of humans through different aspects such as one they called "parkour".

Tronity was happy to see that his creations have come so far but at the same time he grieved for them as well. Ever since the first war, Briphis left a curse upon the land where anything that roams it will most certainly be taken in the depths of darkness and that his creations would forever despise them and do nothing but plot their death. He also placed upon the land diseases and sicknesses that would make nations fall. It would seem that the curse had fallen upon his humans and the one who had nursed him to health. By that time, Tronity had given the name "Hero" to the human who was now lying on the same bed as Tronity did that faithful night. Hero had grown quite old while Tronity remained the same, what do you expect from an all powerful deity. By this time, Tronity was not able to bring Hero back to life again because the curse restrains hime from doing so. Tronity was not ready to lose Hero, so he did something that would change the world forever

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