Chapter 8: Meeting Up and Complicated Love

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Steve's POV
The ride back home, on my new companion Wilbur the Pig, was peaceful and quiet, like I drifted off into a deep sleep. But soon after drifting off into dreamland, our returning trip home was interrupted by figures standing in our path home.
"Greetings, young one!" Wiggy started
"What's up, dude?" Troy continued
"How's it going, buddy?" So did Ray
"It is nice to see you again, Steve." Icarus said, ending the line of greetings from the four gods of Minecraftia.
"Hello everyone!" I replied with glee, "I thought I wouldn't have seen you guys any time soon."
"Well here we are again." Ray said
"We thought we should drop by, check up on how you are doing and I see that you have already made a new friend." Icarus said as he pointed towards Wilbur.
"Yeah, he is the same pig I saw the first time I came into this world." I replied happily.
"Aaaww, he is so cute!" Wiggy said clamping her palms into Wilbur's chubby pig cheeks and massaging them, I assume he liked it a lot as he let out oinks of joy.
"You know this reminds me of that time, when you turned into a..." I quickly stopped what I was saying as Wiggy stared me down with a look that could kill someone.
"So... are you guys coming with me to my home?" I asked nervously, trying my best to avoid eye contact with Wiggy.
"Uh, yeah, lets do that." Ray replied
"We also have a couple of gifts to give you and your friends at home, so lets hurry." Troy finished and the previous group of Steve and Wilbur, now with The Gods of Minecraftia, continued the journey to Steve's home, chatting a bit about plans on the upcoming war, "The Black Sun" and questions like, "which is better cookies or cakes?" Or "Which of the male gods was the best?" But this was only discussed between said male gods and except Wiggy and I,we were not really interested in said topic.

We finally made it home and to see that everyone was already inside, as it was just around the time for the moon to peep over the hills. The small group entered the house and were greeted by a very spontaneous group of females.
"Welcome home, Steve!" Each female said simultaneously and all taking turns to give me a peak on my cheek with a kiss. I stood there in awe and all I was able to utter out was, "What was that about?!"
Narrators POV(this is like a third person view, narrating everything happening through their eyes, just trying something new ._.)
*A few minutes before Steve and his group came into the door* (this is something I used to show a certain time something happens, also something new ._.)
The females in the home of the future savior of this world, Steve, were probably talking about sophisticated and important topics probably about the upcoming war they will have to face in the nearing future.
"Who do you think Steve likes more between us?" Cupa asked
Well I've been wrong before...
"W-ww-what do y-you mean?!" Andrea stuttered out
"She is just asking who Steve loves the most." Zarah replied with a smirk on her face
"Which is obviously me, of course!" Cecil shouted out proudly, "I mean, I am his type."
"Oh please!" Skelly spoke up, "You are not his type, he wants a woman that is mature,like me."
"Are you trying to say that im not mature enough?!" Cecil angrily asked
"Well, you do act like a little kid all the time and Steve is a man." She continued, "And a man needs a woman by his side, not a child"
"Oh please, weren't you the same one that almost killed him with and arrow to the face." Zarah said, "He needs someone that knows how to be intimate and is able to connect with him, like me."
"If your way of intimate is 'feeding someone pieces of yourself' then I think you got it all wrong, sweetie." Cecil gleefully said as she snickered under her breath with Skelly
As the three were about to destroy each other Cupa spoke up. "Girls, girls! You all dont have to fight over this, because I am the one that Steve's love more."
"And what makes you say that?" Cecil asked
"Well, I was the first person Steve ever met in this world, so we sort of have a bond." Cupa continued, "And Steve needs a girl that can explode his heart and take him on a wild ride of fun and action!"
"I dont think throwing TNT around like a madman isn't the kind of fun Steve is looking for." Skelly announced
"Or exploding yourself." Zarah added on
As the four were about to let loose all evil onto each other, Andrea stopped them in their tracks by screaming to the top of her lungs the words , "Stop it!" Over and over until they had to cuff their hands over her mouth to indicate that they made truce.
"U-uh im sorry..." Andrea continued, "But I have an idea, to see who Steve likes more."
As all the girls huddled towards Andrea to hear the what she had to say. Which I will summarize to not waste time which was "to show as much affection to Steve, so he may choose who he likes more." Yeah... word by word...
"So thats the plan then?" Zarah said
"Yup, so I guess we should get ready" Cecil replied
As she finished her sentence they heard talking from the outside. It was Steve returning home and they all stood in front of the door, waiting intently for said Steve.
"Okay so you all know what to do right?" Cupa whispered out
They all nodded
As Steve entered his home, he was greeted by a spontaneous group of females that said simultaneously, Welcome home, Steve!" They also took turns giving Steve a peak on his cheek with a kiss. Steve was in awe again and all he was able to utter out was, "What was that about?!"

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