Authority Acquired!

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As I rubbed my eyes to make sure that I wasn't being deceived, I can confirm that those our the cutest baby animals I have ever seen in  my life.

"R-Ray...?" I asked pointing at the baby blue bull with a goatee, "Is that you?"

"Yes... its me..." He replied which caused me and the girls to step back in surprise.

I looked on at the others and it seemed to me that it was pretty easy to identify who was who. Ray was a baby blue bull with a goatee, Troy was a baby wolf a black streak across its bac in the shape of an arrow and a scar on its left eye, Wiggy was a baby pig (ironically) with a floral pattern of different flowers on her body with a flower in her ear and Icarus was a baby sheep with black fur and very soulless dark eyes.

"Go ahead..." Icarus stated which I was puzzled to, "Just do what you are going to do and get it over wi-!"

Icarus was cut off as he was pulled off the ground and raised close to the face of Andrea who had teleported behind him and then teleported away, then the other girls joined in and began to tort-! I mean play with the baby gods.

"Hey!" Ray shouted as Zoey and Silk played with his stubby horns and tail, "Don't play with my- MOOOOO!"

"I will bite you if you don't put me down!" Troy threatened as Skelly held him in her arms, extremely close to her bosom, "You are going to suffocate me!"

"Oink! Stop chasing me! Oink!" Wiggy pleaded as she ran away from Cupa who had been chasing her around a tree.

All of this was weird as it was and it just made my head hurt. Why are the gods baby animals? Who would have done this to them? Could it have been Herobrine who had done this? If it was him why would he do something like this? My mind twirled round and around until I was dizzy.

"Steve!" a voice called which I turned my head towards the top of the cave where Andrea and Icarus hid, "Stop standing around doing nothing and help us!"

"Oh right!" I remembered placing my fingers between my teeth and emitting a whistling sound which got the attention of everyone, "Attention!"

In almost an instant, all the girls were lined up in front of me with the baby animals in a line in front of them. I wasn't expecting them to line up as well.

"I didn't mean for you guys to just line up all of a sudden." I stated with a puzzled face which Icarus waddled forward.

"It would seem that your authority is being restored..." Icarus said with a baa at the end.

"My authority...?" I questioned wondering what he meant by authority.

"Its a special power that a hero acquires once they have shown that they are truly worthy to be called a hero." Ray explained stomping forward with his hooves.

"It allows the person to emit a powerful aura that encourages everyone around them to follow their orders." Troy continued while scratching the back of his ear with his paw.

"This type of aura is made up of a hero's stature and power, oink." Wiggy oinked.

I was a bit taken a back by this, so I decided to test it out even more.

"Okay... Ray, do a backflip!" I ordered which Ray immediately complied to, "Wow! Now Troy, roll over!"

"Yes sir!" Troy replied as he began to roll around and around.

"Icarus, ride Wiggy like she is a stallion and Wiggy, try to buck Icarus of your back like a bull!" I ordered which they did so as Icarus held onto Wiggy with all his might and Wiggy trying her best to throw him off, "Controlling them is actually fun."

I turned my gaze to the girls which a grin grew on my face but their facial expression had changed to a worried one.

"I command you all to dance like ballerinas while croaking like a frog!" I issued the order and just like that they became the most graceful frogs I have ever seen in my life, "I can get use to this!"

Its marvelous isn't it...

A strange voice echoed around me.

I looked around me for the source of the voice only to face no one. Just then, a flash of white light came out of nowhere and I covered my eyes to avoid being blinded. When I opened my eyes, I was looking at a certain baby blue bull that was frozen mid-backflip, a baby wolf scuffing up dust a while ago but now is frozen with dust particles the same state, a baby chicken riding a baby pig that was frozen about two feet above the ground and five frozen dancers.

"What is going?" I asked no one in particular which I was replied with a menacing cackle.

Do you not know yet who I am?!

The deep voice thundered out at me. I was about to say Herobrine but the voice interrupted me.

No... I am far from that one you think of...

How did the voice know I was going to say that? Just then, the voice began to speak again but this time the voice began to alter and change to a much more familiar voice.

Come now... How can you not know who I am...

After the voice had finished altering, I had finally figured out who the voice was and I was seriously hoping that it wasn't who I was thinking it was. I felt a presence appear behind and violently turn me around. I was shocked and couldn't believe it...

Believe it Steve... I am Steve...

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