Chapter 8

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Monday morning
I had just finished getting ready when I heard Matthew shout me.


"OK!" I shout back.

I grab my bag and rush downstairs. I might have woken up a bit late this morning due to lack of sleep.

"Let's get going kiddo!" Matthew hurried me as he gave me a slice of toast. I'm so glad that I have my brother's because they take care of me when I forget to take care of myself. I know that I am an adult but I do forget things from time to time. Not everybody can be perfect.

We got into the car and Wonho started talking. "How come you got in so late last night? I thought that you were only going to stay at the bar for 10 minutes or so because you were tired."

"I walked so it took me longer to get home." I answered.

"I thought that Byeongho would give you a lift." Matthew looked annoyed.

"He didn't offer so I just walked."

Wonho looked furious now. "He didn't offer you a lift? What kind of boyfriend does that? Wait until I see him. I will be making sure that he treats my little sister better."

"Maybe he was busy." I mumbled defending him. Why am I even defending him? It isn't like I should be.

Matthew frowned and began to ask question after question. "Who is that busy at that time of the night y/n? Did you get hurt on the way home? Was it safe? Why didn't you just ask us to pick you up?"

"I don't know. I thought you two would be going to bed so I didn't want to disturb you." I didn't answer half of the questions hoping that they wouldn't ask me again.

"What about getting home? Did you get home safely?" Matthew asked concerned.

"Kind of."

"What do you mean by 'kind of' y/n?" Wonho stressed.

"I got chased by a random guy. He nearly got to me but I bumped into someone while running and it turned out that I knew them from college so they saved me." Their faces fell as I explained everything in more detail.

"You got chased?" Wonho asked shocked

"Did the person hurt you?" Matthew worried.

I nodded to Wonho. "I got to my friends before he could get to me so he didn't hurt me but it was still scary. Yunho and Mingi walked me home so I was safe for the rest of the journey home."

"Are you ok though? Stuff like that can scar you mentally?"

"Yes, I'm fine! Don't worry about me." I smiled and got out of the car as we had arrived at the college. I am not going to tell them that I cried myself to sleep last night because they will worry about me even more. I waved goodbye to my brothers.

"Do you need a lift home later? We finish work earlier today." Matthew asked.

"I'm walking home with friends today so I will be alright but thanks for the offer. See you later!" I waved.

As I walked towards the entrance, I was pulled into a hug. I stood there confused not knowing who it was. When the person pulled away, I realised that it was Hyejin .

"Are you ok y/n? I was worried after I heard from Wooyoung and Yeosang that Byeongho came and dragged you away from the party. At first, I thought nothing of it but then they said how he gripped onto you so tight and how they were worried and it made me worry a little bit."

"Don't worry about me Hyejin. I am a big girl and I can handle my boyfriend." Hyejin didn't look convinced but she just left it at that and we walked through the hallways.

A couple making out suddenly came into my view. I realised that it was Wooyoung with a girl. This girl was different to the one last night though.

I got to my locker and Hyejin said "see you later" going off to her locker. I got my books and stationery out of my locker and shut it, heading towards my maths class.

I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around to see who it was. It was Wooyoung with eyes full of concern and worry.

"Hey Wooyoung, what's up?" I asked.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Wooyoung." That answer obviously wasn't enough for Wooyoung though as I felt myself being pulled gently to follow him.

We ended up in a secluded classroom.

"You don't need to lie to me y/n. I can tell that you aren't ok. Your boyfriend hurt you and you don't have to act like you are fine." How could Wooyoung read me so well. It was as if I was an open book to him but I didn't try to make it that way.

"How could you tell?" I asked defeated.

"Your eyes tell. You don't have that sparkle that you usually have and your face shown no emotions either." Wooyoung was good at reading people.

"I just didn't think that he was capable of doing that to me. He told me how he was sorry but he also said that I deserved it. Then to make things worse, I was walking home from a bar last night and I got chased by a random guy." I don't know why I am telling Wooyoung all of this but I felt better for telling someone.

"Did the random guy hurt you?" I shook my head.

"I bumped into two guys who helped me. I then realised that the two guys were Yunho and Mingi. They saved me and walked me the rest of the way home."

"That's a relief. You are lucky that it was Mingi and Yunho. They are great people. Well, that is when they aren't teasing me." Wooyoung laughed at his last statement making me giggle too. I have seen the way that all Wooyoung's friends try to tease him and it is amusing to watch.

"Thank you for making me feel better Wooyoung." I smiled genuinely at him.

"If you ever need someone to talk to, I am always available. Pass me your phone." I gave Wooyoung my phone.

"What's your passcode?"


He typed away on my phone and gave it back to me. "I put my number in so you can talk to me whenever you need me."

"Thank you Wooyoung."

Wooyoung patted my shoulder as a kind gesture. "No problem y/n! Are you still up for dance practice tomorrow night?"

"Yes, of course. I can't wait! What time should we meet up?"

Wooyoung thought for a second. "Is 7:00 alright?"

"Sure, that's perfect!" I agreed.

We both decided to go back to class as we were now late but I don't mind because I'm no longer feeling low.

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