chapter 2

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His pov

It has been a month and a half since I have been tortured. Keeping going would have destroyed me, mentally. In that month my "sister" came to visit and I was shocked that she was actually a two-faced bitch, she was the one that faked being bullied by him. In the novel, she was described as a saint. It didn't get any better because a healer came along, which made it even worse since I couldn't rest and I was tortured and healed over and over.

I decided to get revenge so I went outside. As luck would have it, I came upon treasures. I bought food with the money since they gave me dog food and I have been starving. I need to use the money wisely.

"Yosh!, let's make a plan" Before I could even think the door opened.

"You may go back to your room," A guard said. I nodded but didn't know where it was.

"Um, Where is it?" 

"I will guide you" I'm surprised He didn't question why I wouldn't know. Ah! right people who have been tortured naturally forget trivial things even their own name. So I can ask questions.

"What's my name?" I asked this to confirm.

"Kumi Aroeris Larmatillon" Yep, this is definitely the novel. An interesting bit about me is that I have a blessed name. Only nobles can have names like that, and my mother begged my father for one, and my father said in exchange for her life I could have a blessed name. In the end, when she died, she left me (him) a teddy bear.

"We have arrived" He went back as soon as I was in front of the door. I opened the door and it seemed like a decent room.

I was deserted by everyone so I have a whole mansion to myself, and I don't mind. I need to take a shower. I grabbed some simple clothes and went to search for a bathtub. I was surprised to see a whole pool inside a room. The water was cold but I didn't mind. 

Now let's think, what to do with the money. I need power to get revenge so maybe start a company and using my knowledge from my previous lives this should be easy. I also need a way to gather info and people to carry on assassinations for me. Let's start tomorrow. I got out of the bath and dried myself. The blood is leaking, I need a bandage. After I found it I put my clothes on.

I went back to my room and slept for five hours and woke up. It seems I have developed insomnia. Might as well go to the library. Nobody uses the library either because they don't want to or because it is in my mansion or they have a better library. I opened the doors and noticed I had the teddy bear in my hand. I must have brought it subconsciously. I grabbed some books and sat down and put the bear on my lap. I read for hours until I felt hungry.

"Time for lunch or is it breakfast?"

I went to the kitchen and cooked a basic breakfast (pancakes). I learned about currency in this world.

1 Platinum= 20 gold (can last a year for commoners.)

1 gold= 20 silver

1 silver= 20 copper

And so I proclaim myself as rich because I found 5 boxes of platinum and 7 boxes of gold and 10 boxes of silver and no coppers found. It was hard to bring them here but that is beside the point. As a child, I would need to hire adults I can trust, also I need to hire slaves and orphans, and a maintained building for them to stay in, as well as training material and food.

Let's get started.

3 person POV

Kumi(Mc) was exited and so he ran to the spot he found to go to town. Kumi brought a Bag of platinum coins. After arriving in the town, he walked past a stall selling kushiyaki. [I want to buy one but I don't have any copper T-T] Kumi wore I hood so that he won't be recognized. His eyes are distinctive to the Larmatillon.

"Where is the master market for slaves?" Kumi asked.

Although shocked at what a small boy had asked, the man nonetheless responded, "There is a famous in called moonlight, do you know where "


"Well keep going straight until you see a small and shady store, that is where they have slaves."

"Thank you" Kumi left and went where the man said. He entered and a man tall man came close to him.

"Are you lost?"

"No, I came to the right place"

"What do you need" He said in a cynical tone.

"I need some strong adult and kid slaves, money isn't an issue."

He led Kumi to the slaves and presented them Kid's on the left and adults in the right.

"Do you mind women too?"

"No, anything is fine as long as they are strong"

"Which ones do you want?"

"All of them" Both the owner and the slaves were shocked.


"Like I said before money isn't a problem"

"Then it's 20 platinum" Kumi took out the money needed  and once again all in the room were shocked.

"Can you take care of them for today?"

"As long as you have money"

"How much"

"3 silver"


"Thankyou for buying and since you bought a great amount do you can be a VIP, I will tell and reserve slaves that you want and have discounts."


"That'll be 1 silver" He gave him the money.

"Oh! right!" He said excitedly sounding like the child he is. "I also want a monster."

"Come this way" the man smiling.

                                                                                 What he chose

                                                                                 What he chose

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"This will be 22 gold coins" After this Kumi left to search for a home for the slaves

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"This will be 22 gold coins" After this Kumi left to search for a home for the slaves.

He went to a restaurant and they said that a guild named  "The Escapism". The name is funny it does the opposite thing I do and I still am In a fantasy] kumi thought.

Kumi has arrived at the guild.

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