3) Parents' News

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( My parents look like this except my mom has longer and darker hair. )

Once Y/N got home, she was feeding Kola some cookies she baked yesterday. Kola was eating and smiled.

"You make the best treats ever! How do you bake these so well?!" Kola asking, while eating another one.

"Thanks, I'm glad that you like it. I learned how to bake when I was a child. Mom taught me."

"I'll always do!"

"Y/N, we're home!"

She turned to her closed door and heard that her parents were home. They were earlier than usual. She told Kola to eat silently and left her room. Once she left her room, she saw her parents in their work outfits, smiling.

"Mom, dad? Why are you guys here so early? Don't you guys normally come home around 9?"

"We do, but we have news to tell you!" your mom replied.

Timeskip cause this author is lazy as fuck.

The family was eating dinner until the only daughter spoke up.

"Soooo...what is the news you were talking about?"

"Well, I just want to say that your father and I are going on a vacation!" her mother exclaimed, happily.


"You see, when we got the new job, it was overseas which is far from here, so it's kind of like a vacation except we work a lot." her father continued.

"So, you guys are just going to leave me here?"

"We'll love to bring you, but you just attended that new school of yours." her mother replied.


"But, don't worry. We'll come back often, though!"

"And bring you a lot of presents!"

Y/N smiled and nodded. They continued chatting until they finished eating. Y/N decided to go to bed since she had nothing else to do. When she got in, she laid down on her bed and Kola jumped on top of her.

"Your parents aren't going to be home? That's going to be fun! We're going to have a lot of sleepovers!"

Y/N let out a sigh.

"I don't know, Kola...We moved here almost a month ago, and I didn't make too many friends..."

It's true that Y/N moved. Of course, she didn't want to leave, but because of her parents' new job, she had to. Y/N missed her old school and her friends. And, you still do. Y/N looked at her old school photos of Y/N and her students, aka. her friends, from her old school.

( You're basically Sayaka in the pictures or any Danganronpa girls in the photo

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( You're basically Sayaka in the pictures or any Danganronpa girls in the photo. And you can choose who your friends are, or you can pick all of them. ^^ )

She sighed and placed them in her drawer. So, she did her normal routine. Y/N cleaned the crumbs from her bed ( Kola ate your cookies on your bed.), brushed her teeth, turned off the lights, got in bed, and Kola went under her arms.

"Goodnight Y/N!"

"Goodnight Kola."

With that, Y/N fell asleep. What she didn't know is a pair of eyes watching her.

"So beautiful..."

( Who do you think it is? )

𝒪𝒷𝓈𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃 ( Yandere Bnha x Magical Girl Reader ) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now