5) Field Trip to UA, Part 1

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A week had passed and it was time for the big day, Field Trip to UA! All the students were excited including Y/N. Y/N always wanted to go to this school, but because she was quirkless, she couldn't. Well, that's what people think. Y/N and Maizono were walking towards the bus while chatting about what's it like at UA.

"So, I think it's going to be huge! Like THIS big!"

She used her arms and spread them out wide. Y/n chuckled and replied,

"I think so, too. I've really wanted to go there and now is my chance to meet the pro heroes! Oh, I'm getting so excited just thinking about it."

The two of you stopped and kept talking about how excited you guys were.

"Ms. L/N and Ms. Kinha, do we have a problem?"

The two stopped and turned their heads towards their teacher who had crossed arms.

"N-no sensei, we're sorry!" Y/N stuttered as Miazono bowed as in an apology.

They both got on the bus and started to look around for a seat. It was crowded so they only took the last two seats available. Y/N looked around to see a lot of their classmates chatting, listening to music, reading, taking a nap, or eating pocky. When Y/N turned next to the window seat, she already noticed that Maizono was already fast asleep.

"Geez...how does this girl sleep so fast?" Y/N whispered to herself.

"Tell me about it."

She turned to where that voice came from, and there were a lavender hair girl with gaming controller buttons and a hazel hair guy next to her.

"Um...do you know Maizono?"

"Yeah. She went to the same middle school with us."

"Maizono was the type of...hyper kid at our class...she was really um...hyper?"

"But she's still cool, to be honest."

"Yeah, she is."

You three started chatting until you heard Maizono's yawn.

"Eeeh...Oh! Ekio and Shiro!"

"Hello, Maizono!" the boy replied to her.

"Oh, Y/N! They're my old classmates, and they're really cool! Ekio is the purple one and the other one is Shiro!"

"So...are you in our class or something?"

"Yeah, you just didn't notice us," Ekio replies.

"Hehe...sorry! I was too focused on Y/N."

"That's fine, I guess."

Now the four of them were talking about life and stuff until the teacher announced that they were almost here at UA, and told them to get their stuff to get off. Once they arrived, Y/N couldn't believe it. She was actually here. 


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