11) Tomura

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Y/N quickly came out and everyone looked up. The villains started to talk to one another.

"I thought we were only going to fight Thirteen and now that hobo-looking guy. But, who's that?"

"Hey, that's M/G/N! I've seen her a lot on TV."

"I mean, she does look kinda hot. But, that doesn't mean we can stop her!"

The villains got their quirks ready until Y/N used her weapon and cut whatever was on them.

'W-what the hell?"

"My hand!"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of that later when you're in prison!" she replied to them as they got captured by Eraser's capture weapon.

"Took you long enough," he said to her in a tired voice.

"Sorry, had to transform and you know."

"Sure...now go to my students and protect them," he said again with a little pink dust on his cheeks.

She nodded and quickly ran to Midoriya, Asui, and Mineta while the leader of the villains, Tomura Shigaraki, was distracted, fighting against Eraser.

"Oh my god, it's sexy M/G/n!" Mineta exclaimed quietly.

"Mineta Kun, please shut up. Kero." Tsuyu replied to him while rolling her big round eyes.

Y/N kept fighting with some other villains until she heard something like a crunch sound. She turned around with wide eyes that have shock in it. Aizawa was underneath a nomu while breaking his arms like twigs as he screamed in pain. She just stood there, not knowing what to do.

'C'mon, Y/N! You have to do something! Don't just stand there!' she kept exclaiming in her head.

Y/N quickly darted towards the nomu to help the hero, but in the corner of her eyes, she saw the hand guy in front of Tsu! She knew what his quirk was since he used it on Eraser, so she didn't know whether to go to that huge creature or the villain who is about to kill her friend! She kept slapping herself for not knowing what to do until she heard...


She whipped her head towards the sound as she saw Midoriya activated his quirk. Right when he was about to punch him, the nomu came out of nowhere. Now, this was the time Tomura had a chance to grab her wrist.

"So, you're the hero who Kurogiri was talking about. Good thing we came to the right place."

"And you must be one of the wanted villains. Good thing we might send you to prison."

She flinched and she kicked his square to get him off of her, luckily he did.

"You little-..."

He charged towards you until...


Everyone turned around to see All Might...frowning...Well, that's new.

"I am here."

"IT'S ALL MIGHT!!!" Mineta exclaimed.

Y/N looked at him with bright eyes. She saw him before on TV, but now this is the first time she actually met him in real life.

"M/G/N, go and get the others to safety!"

"But...All Might, I should-" Midoryia was cut off.

"Haha, no worries! I'm going to be fine, young Midoriya!"

Y/N looked worried as she helped Eraser with Midoryia, Asui, and Mineta. The frog girl kept asking questions, the small grape-looking boy kept screaming, and the green hair guy also looked worried at the tall muscular hero who was fighting against the nomu. Everyone heard a loud grunt and turned around to see that bird-looking creature stab his side. The h/c magical girl's eyes widened couldn't just let him get hurt, so she took off towards him. The three kids kept shouting at her to come back, but she ignored them.

'I may have to use my special attack! But...master said that I need to unless if it's actually a real emergency!' she keeps saying in her head.

She keeps slapping herself multiple times thinking about whether she should do it or not. She finally made up her decision and let out a huge breath. She decides to use her special attack.

( You can use one of the special attacks from this video. I know this has Spanish subtitles, but just translate it if you don't know, I guess. )

The nomu flew off and the people were safe. Y/N couldn't believe it...

...it was her first time using that attack.

Everyone came out of where they were and quickly rushed over to help. To be honest, if she was alone, she would be cheering for herself right now. While she was in her thoughts, Ochako went up to her and asked.

"Um...M/GN? Where's Y/N?"

"Oh uh, she's okay! I-I evacuated her to safety, that's all!" she replied as she laughing like a moron.

Y/N really wanted to help with the others but she saw the f/c glow in her ribbon locket ( I changed where the charm is ) reminding her that it was almost time to detransform. She quickly excused herself and she took off through the huge hole from where the nomu flew off. Once she got out, she turned back into her normal self. Kola flew out and asked her.

"Why didn't you go and help All Might and the others back there?"

"Because you were almost out of energy."

"I'm fine, I just need to eat some sweets, that's all."

Y/N slightly frowned as the goat-looking, creature landed in her arms. When she got back inside, Thirteen ran up to her and asked if she was okay. She responded with a okay. She reunited with the students and they all asked the same thing as Thirteen. She also responded with the same answer to the space hero. With that, they went back to UA.

𝒪𝒷𝓈𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃 ( Yandere Bnha x Magical Girl Reader ) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now