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THE WILSON GIRLS COULDN'T date, it was a well known fact in all of Hogwarts.  Ever since their mother broke their father's heart Mr Wilson decided they couldn't date  to keep them away from the pain of heartbreak.

"Pass me the cereal."

"No, get it yourself."

"I'll get you the cereal," Mr Wilson said, coming in to the kitchen with a tie in his hands.

"Thanks Daddy," Kiara said, smiling so brightly that Neveah almost thought it was fake as she mimicked what her sister said.

"Now girls, behave while your at Hogwarts, I would prefer to not be called down to the school because one of my daughters punched a poor boy in the face," Their dad said, hands around his collar, failing to tie his tie.

"He deserved it," Neveah whispered, aggressively putting the cereal back into the cupboard.

"And remember-" Mr Wilson started, "No boys," The girls cut in synchronised.

"Atta girls," The two walked over to their father, Kiara gave him a kiss on his cheek while Neveah pushed his collar down and hugged him.

"Be good at Hogwarts," Mr Wilson said, hugging them both.

"Aren't I always," Kiara smiled as Neveah huffed.

Neveah picked up her and Kiara's trunks and after one final hug, they were ready to go.

"Now remember Neveah," Mr Wilson said to his daughter, "Remember the three D's, destination, determination and deliber-"

Neveah had grabbed her sister's hand and apparated her to King's Cross Station.

"And they're gone," Mr Wilson said, throwing himself on the couch.

Platform 9 and 3/4 was looking the same as it did every year, first years were looking nervous, parents were looking sad at the prospect of their child going away for months and friends were reuniting.

"NEV!" Lily Evans came running towards Neveah and jumped on her causing them both to fall on the floor.

"Can't breathe," Neveah mumbled, gasping for air.

"Oh my god, I've missed you so much! Petunia got a new boyfriend and he was so annoying but Mum and Dad loved him and I can't see why since he's a fat oaf that can't be considered a man!" Lily rambled.

"Missed you too, Lily," Neveah said, brushing off the dust on her pants.

"So how was your summer?" Lily asked, trailing behind Neveah as she boarded the train.

"Same old, same old," Neveah said humming, her summer was the same as always. Tease Kiara for wanting to date, sneak out to the record store once a week and tease Kiara some more.

"You need to stop annoying your sister so much, it probably counts as bullying," Lily chuckled.

"Says the girl who just called her sister's boyfriend a fat oaf," Neveah snickered.

"That doesn't count because Vernon is a fat oaf!" Lily countered, walking behind Neveah into an empty compartment.

"What is a Vernon?" Sirius Black said, walking into the compartment uninvited with his band of misfits trailing behind him.

"Fuck off," Neveah said, taking a book out of her trunk.

"Hello my dearest Lilyflower," James said, ignoring Neveah as she started reading. "How was your summer?"

"Good considering the fact I didn't see you," Lily said, already fed up with the boy.

"Oh how you wound me Lilyflower," James exaggerated, putting one hand on his heart, "You'll be seeing a lot more of me this year no doubt."

"And why is that?" Lily questioned, she just wanted James to get out of her and Neveah's compartment.

He took a badge out of his pocket and held it out for Lily to see, a triumphant look on his face. "I made Head Boy."

"No way," Remus Lupin gaped, taking the badge out of James hand. He was the most tolerable of the group, he always minded his own business and shared his chocolate.

"Yes way," James said smiling brightly, he would use most definitely be using this as a chance to spend more time with Lily, who had been made Head Girl alongside him.

"Dumbledore must be even more of his rocker," Sirius spoke up with Peter Pettigrew nodding along.

"Well if your the Head Boy then I guess we have a prefect meeting to run," Lily said, looking downcast as she stood up from her seat.

"I'll see you in an hour, Nev," Lily said to the girl, she was reading her book silently near the window.

"Your not leaving me here alone, are you?" Neveah screamed, Lily left the compartment with James trailing behind her like a lovesick fool.

Neveah turned to the three boys who were still in her compartment, "Get out," she demanded. The three boys left her gladly.

authors note
so this is kinda short but from chapter one it will follow the plot of 10 things I hate about you which was too long to be in the cover!!

i hope-

i hope-

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