iii. neveah won't date

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iii. neveah won't date

"COME ON NUSH, ITS NOT that hard," Neveah sighed, they had been in the library for two hours and it wasn't going very well.

"Says you! You've done it perfectly like three hundred and twenty six times, teach me your ways," Nush said exasperated.

Neveah shook her head, "That's oddly specific and I'm trying to teach you but it its not my fault you can't do it!"

"Yes it is, your the tutor!"

"And your not retaining the information I'm trying to tutor you on!"

"Nev, you made a friend!" Lily said, walking up to the two. "This is amazing, your finally socialising! Although it is a bit late, but at least your finally talking to somebody other than me."

"Lily this is Nush, Nush this is Lily, now can you please help me teach her the spell for turning a table into a chair," Neveah said helplessly, Lily nodded and the two got started on teaching Nush.

MEANWHILE, ON THE OTHER side of the school, James and Cameron were talking about girls. More specifically, Lily and Kiara.

"Lilyflower's hair sparkled in the sun today, it was mesmerising," James grinned.

"This isn't about Lily, how am I supposed to get Kiara to go out with me?" Cameron asked, staring at where Kiara sat with her group of friends.

"Wait- who's that?" Cameron questioned, pointing at a Slytherin guy who was walking - more like swaggering - up to Kiara.

"That-" James gestured at the Slytherin, "Is Liam Nimbus, his family's famous for making the Nimbus broomsticks and he's infamous for his crush on Kiara Wilson."

"Your telling me some other dude has a crush on my woman and you didn't tell me," Cameron said, feeling betrayed.

"First of all she isn't your woman-" James started.

Cameron cut him off, "Why wouldn't she be my woman? You call Evans your woman."

"Correction, I call Evans my Lilyflower, not my woman, she is her own woman."

"Yeah, yeah," Cameron said, brushing him off, "So how do I get this rich snob of my girl?"

"She isn't your girl- nevermind, at this point I don't even care," James said, shaking his head.

Remus came up to the two, "Hey Prongs, Cameron," He nodded at Cameron then turned to James, "Sirius, Peter and I are going to go prank Filch, want to join?"

"Nah, I'll pass, Cameron over here needs help getting the girl of his dreams over there," James said, nodding in Kiara's direction.

Remus laughed, "Good luck there mate, everybody knows Kiara Wilson can't date."

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