iv. we found our guy

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iv. we found our guy

"DUDE, ARE YOU CRAZY? NOBODY will ever go out with Neveah Wilson, there's no point in asking," A boy who Cameron recognised to be a Ravenclaw said.

"This is a lost cause!" James exclaimed, "We've already asked every seventh and year boy, even some fifth years, and they've all said no! How unlikeable could Neveah be!"

Cameron and James had spent all morning trying to bribe a poor boy into going on a few dates with Neveah and so far they've all said no - even when they were offered a free Nimbus 1975!

"There's got to be some guy who'll go out with her, it's not like she's ugly," Cameron shook his head.

"She may not be unattractive but she's downright scary!"

"Look over there," Cameron said, pointing at a group of Hufflepuffs, "Let's ask them."

They approached the Hufflepuffs but before Cameron could even speak they started shaking their heads rapidly.

"We're not doing it," The tallest one said.

"How did you even know what we were going to ask!"

"Shit like this passes along fast, nobody in their right mind would try go on a date with Neveah Wilson," The tall boy shrugged. James looked around hopelessly at the group but they all shook their heads and walked away.

"There might be someone who would go out with her," Cameron smiled, as if he had just thought of the best idea. "We need to ask your mate."

"Which one?" James wasn't catching along. "You heard Remus, he said he wouldn't do it!"

"Not Remus," Cameron shook his head, "The other one you hang around with."

"Look, I highly doubt Peter would go out with-" Cameron glared at him, "Oh! You mean Sirius!"

"Yes I mean Sirius! He doesn't look like he'd be scared of Neveah," Cameron explained. "Let's ask him now."

"Do you know where he is?" James asked.

"To be honest, I have no fucking clue, he's your friend!" Cameron shrugged.

"Come on, he's probably in a broom closer snogging some random girl." James said nonchalantly.

Cameron shrugged, "Well at least he's probably horny enough to overlook the fact that he's going on a date with a crazy bitch."

They walked around Hogwarts, opening broom closets at the random. Cameron would be scarred forever, the things he had seen in the past fifteen minutes he was looking for Sirius, was enough to traumatise him for life.

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