BONUS CHAPTER. nush and regulus

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BONUS CHAPTER. nush and regulus

NUSH SAT DOWN, GAPING AT the board behind Professor McGonagall's desk. Gosh, she couldn't believe Minnie, who the fuck bothered to make seating plans for their class? For fuck's sake, Nush hated seating plans with a passion, the only reason teachers created them was to separate her from her friends who she spent all lesson talking to but jokes on them, Nush talked to everybody.

Nush trudged up to McGonagall's desk, "God Professor, not a seating plan, you know how much I hate seating plans!"

McGonagall sighed, "That's why I make them, Miss Parker."

"Well that's not very nice," Nush pouted. "I thought I was your favourite."

"Keep on dreaming, Miss Parker," McGonagall said, gesturing for her to sit down.

"Please Professor, I'll sit next to literally anybody, just not Black." Nush begged, holding her intertwined hands in front of McGonagall.

"What's wrong with Mr Black? I think he's a great student," McGonagall asked, shaking her head.

"What isn't wrong with him? He's so moody and silent, there's this myth the third years pass around about how he scares away first years with his resting bitch face," Nush said, McGonagall scolded her for her language.

"Miss Parker, it's too late for me to change it." McGonagall said, starting to clear her desk.

"Professor, don't be like that," Nush groaned. "And look, it isn't too late, there's one minute before class starts."

"Sit down, Miss Parker," McGonagall said sternly, turning away from her.

Nush huffed, "I'll go but I won't like it."

The bell rang and students started filing into the classroom, they took notice of what was written on the board and they all reacted similarly to Nush, with groans and scowls. Nush rested her head on the table, she couldn't wait for the lesson to finish, even though it had only just started.

Nush looked up, feeling someone else's presence next to her. She decided to give it a try and be nice, after all those were only rumours about Regulus. "Hi, I'm Nush."

Regulus ignored her, continuing to take his stuff out. Nush raised her eyebrows, not taking no for an answer. Was McGonagall trying to test her patience by seating her next to Regulus? Nush faced McGonagall, scowling at her, Nush didn't know if it was just her imagination or if McGonagall actually did have a sort of triumphant smirk on her face. Nush thought for a moment, if she would be stuck next to this guy for the rest of the year then she might as well get to know him, not that he would even allow her. Nush sighed, ready to try again.

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