i. kiara wilson is off limits

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i. kiara wilson is off limits

"WELCOME TO HOGWARTS, Mr James," Professor McGonagall said, taking of her glasses as she gestured for Cameron to take a seat.

"You're a former student at Durmstrang, correct?" McGonagall asked, Cameron nodded in return. "We've seen your O.W.L results and you can continue taking the classes you passed, now to get you sorted."

"Sorted into what?" Cameron asked as McGonagall picked up a hat from under the desk.

"Here at Hogwarts there are four houses, the people in these houses will be a sort of family for you," McGonagall explained.

"What are the houses?" Cameron asked curiously. Instead of McGonagall answering him the hat in her hands spoke up.

"Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin," The Sorting Hat said, scaring the life out of Cameron.

"You- you speak," Cameron stammered.

The Sorting Hat tutted, "Of course I speak, now put me on his head, this was supposed to happen yesterday!"

McGonagall placed the hat on Cameron's head and waited for him to make a decision. "Your not very smart, are you?" the hat said, clicking his nonexistent tongue, "Better be GRYFFINDOR!"

"Good, a student should be here in a few minutes to take you on a tour of Hog-" The door burst wide open, cutting McGonagall off.

"My goodness Black, it's only the first day and you've already been called into my office! Where's the rest of your group?" McGonagall said, shaking her head.

"Nice to see you too, Minnie," Sirius said, looking around the office, "And they're not my group, we have no leader."

Still looking around he said, "Did you move that vase to the other side of the room? I like it, it really makes this side of the office light up."

"Who sent you here, Mr Black?" McGonagall asked. Sirius smiled charmingly and said, "Professor Sprout, we accidentally set Evan Rosier's hair on fire."

"I'm sure it was no accident," McGonagall muttered.

"Oh, who's this?" Sirius pointed at Cameron, "Never seen you around before."

"This is Cameron James, he's a transfer student that your friend Mr Potter was supposed to take on a tour. Do you have any idea where he is?" McGonagall sighed.

"Nope, but I can take transfer here on a tour, show him all the sights that Hogwarts has to offer," Sirius winked.

"We'll wait for Mr Potter, you can go now Black and remember your detention after classes!" McGonagall said, Sirus left the room after screaming a see you! at McGonagall.

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