viii. they're back in the game

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viii. they're back in the game


"I kissed Kiara," Cameron grinned goofily. The night before at the party Cameron volunteered to go with Kiara to the kitchens — the best decision of his life. And it wasn't just him who kissed her, she initiated it!

"Your back in the game," Sirius said, referencing to what he told him last night.

"Did she kiss back?" James asked, still not believing him.

"Dude, would I lie about that?" Cameron pointed out.

James clapped his back, "I didn't think you had it in you, Cameron."

"Actually, she kissed me." James and Sirius shared a look.

"That's great, now Sirius doesn't have to go on fake dates with Neveah any longer," James said.

Sirius hesitated, "Actually I'm taking her to the ball."

"Since when?" Cameron asked, "I thought she uh... hated you."

"Wait- why does she hate him?" James questioned, "Other than him being Sirius, of course."

"He embarrassed her," Cameron said, "She won't want to spare a glance at him after what he did."

"It wasn't that bad," Sirius disagreed. "I just dodged her kiss."

"Why would she kiss you?" James scoffed. "She hates your guts."

"Well she hates them even more now," Sirius muttered, brushing a hand through his hair.

"She was drunk," Cameron explained, "She was drunk and she opened up to him and next thing you know she's going in to kiss him but nooo, Sirius just had to turn away and ruin my chances with Kiara!"

"Calm down I didn't ruin your chances," Sirius shook his head, "I just made them a little bit worse."

"Well how're you going to get her to go to the ball?" James asked.

"Simple, I'm not," Sirius said, walking further into the dorm.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Cameron stopped him, "What do you mean your not?"

"I'll give Nimbus back his money, I'm not taking her to the ball, she doesn't even want to look at me," Sirius shrugged.

"Look, you embarrassed the girl, sacrifice yourself on the altar of dignity and even out the score," Cameron said convincingly. Sirius sighed, guess he had to embarrass himself now.

SIRIUS HATED THE PLAN James, Remus and Cameron came up with. He figured James and Remus just wanted to laugh at him but he knew he had to do this if Cameron and Kiara were to get together.

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